The following is an inspiration story crafted as a Sci-Fi adventure. I wrote it over a period of a year in the mid-90s. For almost three years prior I had been writing parable stories and fables as teaching guides to pass along important psychological and spiritual principles I had been exposed to. Over the years, these had come to me through nearly 500 books read from the early 70s onward, and through my three decades as a therapist. Now that I have a clearer understanding of what’s referred to as personal and spiritual growth, I’ve come to regard this book as a Training Manual for Souls.
I describe The Voice as a mythical story, the kind we humans have been telling each other over the centuries through our collective mythology. It’s the kind of story that aims to open us up to our deeper selves by taking us on a soul healing journey, not unlike most variations of The Hero Myth. The latter has been best exemplified by Joseph Campbell’s stellar analysis of the form. In this case it’s not about defeating multi-headed monsters or evil sorcerers. It’s a story that favors our inner world, our emotional and spiritual development, with lessons on self-acceptance, self-responsibility and self-love. To quote Albert Einstein in a letter to his daughter: “Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.” In this book that Universal Love emanating from our Divine nature is what our characters are aiming to connect with. One of our main characters in this story is God of course, as is often the case in mythology.
I believe we’re on the threshold of a significant change for humanity, and such times are always painful, for us personally and for the society in which we live. In either case, there is never a shortage of critics ready to assail the “New” that’s trying to be born. In times of change, there are always individuals who don’t want to hear messages that require them to re-examine their lives. They don’t want their rigidly grounded preconceptions about who they are and and their place in life to be challenged. So they pounce when they hear anything contradictory to those established norms. This is the old guard, always ready to counter anything that smacks of change, even when it’s for the better.
The 80s gave us a plethora of self-help books and practices to choose from. We had gurus of many stripes come forward with their answer to our collective pain and self-doubt. We connected with our Inner Child. We learned about dysfunctional family dynamics (John Bradshaw). We learned about addictions and their consequences to all family members (Melodie Beattie). And we started visiting the New Age bookstores which were blossoming at time with many such authors showing up on Oprah (e.g. Shirley MacLaine). I read lots of these books as they helped with my practice and the kinds of issues that were showing up there. I started referring to this group of readers/clients as The Healing Generation and included myself of course. We were the ones exposing our psychological wounds so they could be dealt with, the ones delving into family dynamics, the ones going to AA support groups and attending spiritual and personal growth seminars.
For me this was the beginning of Conscious Evolution and books with that reference were starting to show up. I saw it as conscious, because those referred to as the healing generation were choosing not to be part of that victim mentality anymore. It’s called conscious today, because we who have chosen this path, now realize we have to pace ourselves through our sorrows and fears in order to be done with them. And as we learn about our healing processes we pass that learning on to the next generation and the one after, repeating the same cycle that has characterized our collective human mythology.
Are you ready for your consciousness to evolve? Are you ready to receive and express your gifts of love and creativity? Are you ready for ascension into the next dimension of consciousness? Then step up!