Maurice Turmel PhD
It is difficult to go through a process such as this. It is a shattering experience. Eve-
rything you’ve relied on feels broken and strewn across the floor of your life. Your old ideas, your old dreams, your old hopes are all shattered. They need to be replaced.
There is a temptation to pick up those pieces and attempt a reintegration, but going back to the old way is no longer possible. Only a new structure can replace this mess. When you feel shattered, broken and bleeding, there’s nothing much to do but wait. In no time, some part of you will begin speaking and show you another way to grow.
That’s just part ofthe reconstruction process. The old has to break down before the new can begin to emerge. Your body, mind and spirit will come back together as a new and stronger you. Accept the feelings of anxiety but try not to dwell on them, as they will pass too.
You are letting go of something you don’t need any more, like a snake shedding its old skin. The snake no longer needs that skin because a new one has been growing underneath. The spiritual and emotional growth you’ve been practicing has taken shapeunderneath and is ready to surface. A newer, fresher version of who you are is coming to the fore.
You will feel vulnerable for a while, naked in the storm of life some might say. That old skin kept you comfortable with its familiarity and predictability. As with all things in nature, a new order wants to be established and the old has to make room for the new.
Like the snake, we crawl into the deep grass with our anxiety and fear and wait for that old skin to come off. Once that is accomplished, we may need to stay for a while because we will feel vulnerable. That’s okay. Take all the time you need. You will beready to move forward soon enough. This is the nature of transformation.
A certain point is reached where the old order crumbles to make room for the new. This is called Positive Disintegration. This is the hope for our future as human beings. Many people want to hang on at this point, fearing the disappearance of the familiar. But our deeper nature has an agenda too, and pushing you to grow beyond current limits is an important aspect which motivates and offers encouragement. It’s easy to surrender once you become aware of what’s going on inside.
The direction we take after the transformation depends on what we have been build- ing underneath. Some of you have been using positive affirmations. Others have been engaged in spiritual writing and growth workshops. These early efforts, along with the dialogues recommended here, will bring you to the next step. You know when it’s time to restart growth process. There will be something new knocking at your door that wants to be brought into conscious awareness and you will feel compelled to open that door.
There is really no going back to the old status quo. No matter how much you may want to or how hard you try, you cannot unlearn what you’ve been learning. You realize that a part of you is very excited and hopeful about this new found awareness and growth.
What you’re feeling is the excitement children feel with every new step they take. Each step changes the way you relate to yourself and the world around you. This new self-order is demonstrated by those things you’ve been working toward, and a few surprises as well. We don’t fully know what we’re building underneath until it comes out to greet us. That’s the surprise and the joy of creation.
Where do we go from here with this emerging Self, this new being arising from with- in? We’ve been developing this by taking courses, reading books, doing exercises, changing our rhythm and vibration, exploring new worlds and opening ourselves to ever expanding possibilities. The Creative Force has been at work with our active participa- tion. Your Higher Self has been active behind the scenes all along, pushing and prodding, urging you to take chances and try something different. Slowly but surely you open to that center where your inner guidance lives and you make the connection.
This is no mere fancy. This is not about faith. This is simple and palpable experi- ence that you recognize as your own. Your Higher Self, your Soul, is your director and you recognize that part of you because it is You. You and I are simply an incarnateversion of Source’s curiosity, love and joy.
We are designed to grow through self-responsibility. Our human nature is pro- grammed for growth. Our spiritual nature desires to grow. Only growth matters in the grand scheme. Source seeks to grow and mature. We, as sparks from the Divine, can grow along with Source, if we so choose.
God’s urging for us to shed our old skin arrives in a timely fashion. It is the cor- rect course for this moment in our evolution. Such events are rarely convenient, but they are necessary. Let yourself shed that old skin now. A transformation is upon you. You may feel shattered, broken and, perhaps, disillusioned for a while, but that will soon pass. You have been renewed and are set to emerge. Let that be your gift to yourself and to Source. It’s time to show the world your shiny new Self.
(1st published in Conscious Evolution - Maurice Turmel PhD)
We are designed to grow through self-responsibility. Our human nature is pro- grammed for growth. Our spiritual nature desires to grow. Only growth matters in the grand scheme. Source seeks to grow and mature. We, as sparks from the Divine, can grow along with Source, if we so choose.
God’s urging for us to shed our old skin arrives in a timely fashion. It is the cor- rect course for this moment in our evolution. Such events are rarely convenient, but they are necessary. Let yourself shed that old skin now. A transformation is upon you. You may feel shattered, broken and, perhaps, disillusioned for a while, but that will soon pass. You have been renewed and are set to emerge. Let that be your gift to yourself and to Source. It’s time to show the world your shiny new Self.
(1st published in Conscious Evolution - Maurice Turmel PhD)
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