Doesn’t Have A Prayer - 11
Dishonesty of the Catholic Church
worst thing any religious authority can do to you is teach you not to
trust yourself. You're sinful when you arrive on this planet
(original sin). You're sinful every day of your life thereafter.
Ergo, you are defective!
is the Roman Catholic Church's mantra given to me on the first day of
my arrival on this planet. That message came to me from my parents
who had already been indoctrinated by the church into sinfulness.
They were too young and too scared at the time to take on that
challenge, so they passed that poison on to us, their children.
my sisters and I arrived at school we were well imbued with the
toxicity of sin. Our teacher nuns began telling us sinful stories
from the very beginning of our education. They mixed these teachings
with a certain amount of nurturing, so it was something of a
confusing salad. We got some of our emotional needs met, but always
with the hammer of sin hanging over our heads.
real psychological damage for me started with catholic school run by
nuns. I attended my first catholic school for grade 2 and it was run
by English speaking nuns. My grade 2 teacher was a civilian so her
influence was largely academic, with reading, writing and arithmetic
at the top of her agenda.
following year I entered grade 3 at the newly established French
Catholic school in our community parish. That's where I was
introduced to sinfulness by the hard-line French speaking nuns who
were brought in to put this new school together. I did meet one very
nice teacher / nun who really epitomized "Love" in a way I
had never experienced. I'm sure she was an Angel, because she
disappeared the following year, according to my mother, for being too
nice. Most of our nuns were angry, crabby, and shaming individuals
who treated us like felons.
school mates and I were the little devils that had to be molded to
their way of thinking. It was a well woven labyrinth of lies that
they spewed upon us, filled with contradictions, and delivered by
angry, emotionally unhealthy females, who had not come to terms with
their own sexuality, let alone their Soul Nature.
were scolded, beaten and shamed. Every day was like running a
gauntlet. Eventually you succumbed. Whatever self-esteem you may have
had was successfully beaten out of you. You were left a crumbling
emotional mess that they then set out to save through their
catechisms and other patented notions about how to be a good person.
is the sickest of all religions in my view. It teaches people not to
trust themselves from the very beginning of their fragile existence.
Through direct input, and subtle inference, your budding sense of
self was nipped in the bud and you were left to rely on their
promises of a happy and rewarding life if only you could become good
enough (read "perfect").
speaking, this was the most damaging thing you could do to a child -
teach them not to trust themselves. For the Catholic Church this has
been job 1 with a bonus. Once that fledgling sense of self was
demolished, they had a ready victim for their programs of
indoctrination and control.
then it began. The very methods the Catholic Church accused the
Moonies of exploiting were readily applied to a steady stream of
innocent children coming to their doors for education. Everything you
can imagine happening in a rabid religious sect was at work here. A
regular diet of lies about who and what the Church was, Jesus Christ,
and all the ceremonies that were designed to impress and keep you
fact that a majority of us children went to church only out of guilt
was irrelevant to them. Like any good theatre manager they wanted to
fill those seats. And we, poor saps that we were, bought the message,
hook, line and sinker.
catastrophe of childhood initiation still generates some pain for me.
But I can see it all more objectively now and my reactions are no
longer so emotionally charged. Yes, I have happily rid myself of most
of the hurt and pain associated with their forms of abuse - 50 years
later. The anger I hold today is the same anger I hold toward any
abuser - the man who beats his wife and children, the priest who
molests boys and girls, the governments who endorse and make use of
child labor.
a therapist / practitioner, I saw a lot of abuse victims and
successfully helped a majority of them with their personal recovery.
As a victim of physical, mental, emotional, religious, and yes,
sexual abuse, I had plenty of experience to draw upon and align with
my professional training. My very entry into the profession of
Psychology was driven by those early childhood experiences.
last on my list of abuse experiences to be overturned was the
catholic religion and its continuous shaming and guilting of innocent
young minds. That is the kind of damage I strongly take issue with
and why I have made public my own efforts to rid myself of their
poison once and for all.
me, the Catholic Church must be dismantled. It simply has to go. Its
poisonous activities need to be identified, revealed and stopped.
Everyone who has been victimized by this church needs a recovery
program not unlike that evolved for deprogramming victims of the
Catholic Church's policies and practices are designed to reduce
people to rubble, psychologically, in order to have them easily
comply with the church's idea of salvation which is always just out
of reach. You can be good for one day, or one hour, but you can never
measure up over a week, a month or a lifetime. You will always sin
and have to go to confession for forgiveness. It is a never ending
cycle of abuse, confession, forgiveness, re-abuse and inevitable
failure. There is no way out of this closed system, unless you have a
close look at the facts.
look at some of these facts, shall we? How many times have the
Scriptural Books been cooked over the past 2,000 years? Who is it
that killed millions of Muslims with total disregard for the
Christian casualties that were slaughtered along with them? Who is it
that condemned Copernicus, and then Galileo, for asserting the
scientific reality that the Earth revolved around the Sun? This fact
alone was well documented and accepted by the pagan religions for
thousands of years before Catholic Christianity came along with its
giant leap backwards!
Whose Italian Archbishop helped Nazi War
Criminals escape to South America at the end of WWII? Whose army of
priests and bishops are continuously being trotted in and out of
courtrooms to face charges of child sexual abuse? Whose propaganda
machine did its very best to silence their opponents and pay off
victims of priest abusers to keep the matter under wraps? And whose
signature can be found at the bottom of a 1960s Vatican document that
advised all members of the Catholic Clergy to Not Cooperate with
Police on matters where priest abuse of children was being
investigated, under penalty of ex-communication? The current Pope,
that's who!
do you describe a religion that is so full of itself it sees no value
in any other religion? How can you have faith in a religion that sees
no need for accountability of any kind, whose coffers are full while
they guilt little children into giving away their nickels and dimes,
and whose primary mandate is to protect itself in the face of an
onslaught of truth about its criminal activities, past and present?
How many victims of clergy sexual abuse have taken their own lives as
a result of being re-abused once they made their claims public in
order to seek some closure on their pain?
my profession, if this Catholic religion were a person, we would see
them as a genuine case of Classic Pathology, a Borderline
Personality, completely dysfunctional, harmful and out of touch with reality. Would we befriend such a person? - A person who tears us
down at every opportunity? - Who makes us feel bad about ourselves
for having normal sexual thoughts? - A person who condemns all others
except those who agree with them? - A person who lives in fear and
negativity, and wants you to cower with them? - A person who pays
tribute to some foreign authority living in a Castle in Italy? - A
person who looks the other way when one of their priest friends rapes
and abuses children? - A person who takes no responsibility for their
abusive behavior, unless forced to by the courts? - A person who
claims the mystical as their forte and then lies through their teeth
about what salvation and happiness truly are?
would say goodbye to such a person, early on, wouldn't we? Of course
we would.
how about a person who not only lies about what their religion means,
but colludes with other authorities such as governments and business
entities to keep us all repressed and in the dark about who and what
we truly are? These are the greatest of lies we have yet to confront.
Remember, anything that takes you away from your True Center is a lie
and a slap in the face to the God that created you.
to imagine the audacity it would take to collude with other
authorities in order to perpetuate the abusive lie that we are all
deficient and can never find God except by their means. This Church
actually strips your God Self away by lying to you about who and what
you are. They lie to you about your own God Nature. They teach you to
distrust the Divine you hold within. Can you imagine the gall it
takes to manufacture something like that?
pretending to be God's representatives the Catholic Clergy strips
away God from your very being, dips you in sin, condemns you, and
then offers up a god of their own creation to keep you compliant.
They have done so with impunity so far, and with total disregard for
the truth.
why they are liars, through and through and they will be called to
account for their miscarriages of the holy truth before the God who
created us In His Image. Already, they are paying via the same
negative and abusive measures they used to employ to demoralize their
flock and condemn those of other religions they are in competition
is over Catholic Church. Your unending slate of lies is coming to
light. Your callous disregard for truth has already been shown to the
world at large. The planet is waking up to your falsehoods and
shaking you off like fleas off a dog.
is time for all of us to see the greatest lie of all, one that has
been supported and recycled by every authoritarian organization since
the dawn of time. That lie can be stated this way: "You cannot
trust yourselves. Only we know the way."
Catholic Church, have we got news for you! You, dear church, are neck
deep in the cesspool of lies that you've been manufacturing over the
past 20 centuries to keep us under control and we see these exposed
by the news media every day. You are doomed to extinction, just as so
many rigid authority structures are at this time.
a new wave coming, a Tsunami of Truth that you cannot hold back any
longer. And it is rising within each and every one of us who have
taken on the task of healing ourselves by ridding our bodies, minds,
hearts and souls of your poison.
have taken courses; we have studied Psychology; we have immersed
ourselves in programs to reveal the truth about who and what we
really are; we have made contact with our God Self; and we know the
truth of ourselves at a soul level. We had to set you aside first, in
order to do so. But now that we've freed our minds from your tyranny,
we are ready to drop you once and for all.
is in the air, a bold new adventure for all of us. And guess what?
The Catholic Church is not welcome. You belong to our dark past as a
piece of untruth which we have all overcome. We are moving into the
New Age, cleansed of your putrid influence. We have washed away our
sins as you once advised. Except, you were the sin we most needed to
be rid of.
does that sound, Catholic Church?
does that sound to you now? Still need to dismiss me as a crank? You
can't even sell that idea anymore. Your new Pope is trying
desperately to be relevant by commenting on world politics, against a
backdrop of trial after trial of his pedophile middle managers. Too
many people know the truth, and like past revolutions, this one will
be monumental and, in the end, fatal to everything you represent.
truly are the dinosaur in the room of our advancing spirituality,
doomed to extinction while being revealed as the liar that you are.
You are one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on Mankind. It was
a clever deal as long as the masses remained uneducated. Your friends
in business bemoan this fact and have already started blaming you
while you and your elites turn on each other with each foray into the
world's courtrooms.
see, Catholic Church, I trust myself now. I love my self. And because
I do, I feel my God Self rising in me every day. I can safely say you
had a lot to do with this, but not in any positive sense that you
could claim. I found my way back to God by first working through the
psychological damage conferred on me by my parents, and then I took
you on as the primary source of my neurotic dysfunction. The further
I moved away from you, the healthier I became.
I am with God, and in my Heart of all places, the very first thing
you taught me not to trust. I finally came back to my Heart because
all healing roads lead here. And the Heart shall be set Free! I am
Free to Love, to Appreciate, and to Encourage others to come to their
senses and retrieve the lost part of them that you were in such a
hurry to condemn.
now, those of us who have recovered from your abuses, and those of us
still recovering, we condemn you! You, Catholic Church, are the
source of sinfulness and misrepresentations of the truth. You are one
of the major sources of Global Disharmony and Dishonest behavior. You
and your cronies have been revealed as a most disgusting collection
of fakes whose days of controlling others are at an end.
taught us not to trust ourselves and drove us to the therapeutic
couch. Through our therapy and healing work, we have come to realize
that trusting ourselves and our personal connection with God is the
only road to salvation, while your road is an out and out
prefabricated lie.
Catholic Church, are the fraudulent enterprise that has perpetrated
centuries of misery on an unsuspecting and vulnerable population. Now
the truth is out and We Are Done With You!
does that feel, Catholic Church? How does our total rejection of your
authority and falsely acquired power feel now? Wallow in that for a
while and know that We, I, All of us - -wakening at this time, are
through with you.
it be so!
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