Doesn’t Have a Prayer - 6
Real Sin
word “sin” comes to us from the Greek language and literally
means “to miss the mark.” The real sin in Catholicism is their
mission to keep God a secret so they can manufacture reasons for the
rest of us to come to them for direction. There never was a secret
plot to disenfranchise us from our true connection to God until the
Catholics invented it. They set the stage for what was to become a
mad scramble for the hearts and minds of the uninitiated, the
uneducated, the simple and the vulnerable.
religions began with sorcery and trickery designed to fool
individuals into believing they had some unearthly power and to sign
them up as quickly as possible for membership to their exclusive club
that promised admission to Heaven if one practiced their creed. All
kinds of excuses were used for this type of perversion. They believed
they had the right to take God's words and transform them into an
arsenal of tools that would beget many followers. They co-opted those
words, from scripture of course, and other historical sources to have
their way with the peasant population's lust for acceptance and
they showed their power by having all kinds of tricks erected and
ready to roll whenever potential new recruits came into their lair
(church). They had devices, based on the hydraulic technologies of
the time that made statues cry, that made sculptures embrace, that
made breast milk flow from female statues and that made model
chariots fly across the ceilings. They put on quite a show, one that
would rival any Los Vegas casino had such a thing existed at the
time. They believed it was their job to ensnare the population
because these authorities decided that the populace needed saving
from themselves. “Thank goodness they were there to help?” Not!
were all lies and misrepresentations of course, but they worked. An
uneducated population was ripe for the picking. Give them a good
show; tell them God was at work in this holy structure, and voila!
They now belonged to you.
you couldn't just put on any old show, it had to be spectacular. It
had to be beyond reproach. It had to convince the curious that you
had God's power in your hands. This was a very powerful concept, with
many aspiring religions looking for a way into the market.
had been thousands of years of so-called Paganism to be swept away,
before you could establish yourself as the new order. Of course,
these new churches were built on the sites where pagans previously worshiped and paid tribute to their idea of God. Some of these
venues are still with us today. Stonehenge for example, was erected
in the so-called pagan era. In fact no one knows for sure when it was
first built. Today's explorers of ancient sites have revealed
multiple stages of construction finishing with the version we can see
today. Since this wasn't a church it was left alone. But most church
sites in Europe are built upon former pagan sites. The other site
that remains quiet and undisturbed is Machu Picchu in Peru. Because
of its high mountain location, no one has tried to usurp it by
building something over top.
has always been associated with ignorance and even devil worship.
What is not revealed to a vulnerable population is the insightful
directions these sites did provide. An understanding of Astronomy for
example that would seem impossible for anyone to master without
today's technology. Perfect alignments with key stars and planets.
Perfect alignments with the Earth's changes in season and it's
rotation around the sun. Perfect alignments with a repository of
astrological signs and symbols that would be impossible for the
so-called ignorant individuals pagans were supposed to be.
happened with today's religions was a coup. Disenchantment with
current conditions, with the status quo, with the lack of promise for
a full redemption ahead, gave rise to modern religion. Some, such as
Judaism and Islam, can trace their lineage much further back than
2,000 years ago. We are here talking about the Christian traditions,
and Catholicism specifically. Trickery, mind control and the
conditioning of new recruits were the rule of the day. Get as many as
you can under your umbrella and sell them the keys to their
what set the stage for the Christian Churches of today. They were
erected in this Los Vegas atmosphere of “a sucker is born every
minute” (P.T. Barnum, Circus Pioneer). To succeed the population
had to remain uneducated and uninformed about the many technological
advances that had been made and were being used routinely to “shock
and awe” a ready group of seekers. Since Paganism was dead there
was a huge gap to be filled in the marketing of Spiritual Solace.
genius inventors of the day were hired by all of these aspiring new
religions to create the shows that would keep the peasants coming to
church and dropping their gold coins into the appropriate boxes. The
use of water hydraulics, heat and steam were the foundations of all
the trickery going on at this time. Beginning about 1500 years ago,
these were the ready “magic” that genius minds brought forth and
sold to the priestly caste who were busy building their empires.
Business was good. New churches flourished and the next generation of
spiritual supplicants had been taken in.
churches, along with their many competitors, paid top dollar for
these “tricks.” And why not? They worked after all and what
better way was there to bring in the flock who “needed the church's
guidance” as decried by the church leadership. The ends justified
the means. So what if there are some simple distortions of the truth,
they were saving the heathens from themselves. What better mandate
could you have to justify your larceny and deceit?
Real Sin
from being the true representatives of God's own word through Jesus
Christ, they were simply the next generation of crowd pleasers and
snake oil salesmen to come down the path. With a ready population of
spiritually hungry supplicants they turned Jesus' message “The
Kingdom lies Within” into “The Kingdom resides in Our Church”.
That was the beginning of a wholesale application of lies and deceits
designed to turn people away from their inner dimensions. The real
sin, which still goes on today, is in teaching individuals not to
trust their inner nature, in teaching them not to believe in inner
guidance, in teaching them not to pursue inner strength while
instilling in them the identity of “Sinner” which would wrap up
the matter of their conditioning and keep them enslaved to religion
for the foreseeable future. It was simply good business.
Catholic Church is a Fake
Catholic church is an offshoot of the “Holy Roman Empire” which,
after the latter's decline, became the “Roman Catholic Church.”
Since the empire had been disintegrating from within and its armies
were beating a retreat everywhere, they had to turn to something
different in order to save some aspect of their power. Since the
Catholic Christian religion had been growing rapidly, in concert with
Rome's many successful exploits into other lands, it made good
business sense to consolidate their dwindling holdings under the
banner of a now successful religion. The Roman Catholic Church was
born as a non-threatening offshoot of the formerly abusive Roman
Army, although it didn't stay non-threatening for long.
Catholic Church still maintained an army because it needed to protect
its holding from armies of hedonists who were out there pillaging
their way into valuable market share. In the name of God, the
Catholic Church could smite whole groups who, by their definitions,
were total heathens and of “the Devil”.
we have Los Vegas style showmanship bringing in the suckers to newly
erected churches that were popping up where military forces formerly
held sway, coupled with the power of a Holy Army. A winning hand, if
there ever was one. And murder was still OK in these heady times,
because the heathens had to be gathered up and delivered to a Fierce
was fine as this new entity, the Roman Catholic Church, established
itself as the premier religious authority of the time. To this day
they still maintain an army, mainly for show, because they are no
longer in the business of wholesale slaughter given the bad publicity
that might generate. But they are in business. And this brief review
provides a sampling of its dark underpinnings.
the Catholic Church offers a thin veneer of piety and holiness that
is represented by their ruling Pope. He and his gang of Cardinals are
today's Holy See. Their ascendancy to power rests on the pillaging
and wholesale slaughter of countless innocents who had the misfortune
of signing up with an unauthorized religion. Talk about “killing
the competition.” This is such a travesty, it sickens me when I
think about it. As I peel back the layers to expose their “glorious
beginnings” I see nothing but rot, poison, murder and trickery. I
see nothing that remotely connects them to Jesus' original offerings.
I see a religion that was born on the backs of millions of innocent
lives and the powerful army that was in the business of coercing them
into the new way.
Catholic Church is a fake. It's thin veneer of piety and propriety is
cracking as I speak. Everywhere there are signs of its imminent
demise. This organized religion is not long for this world because it
lacks integrity, it lacks truthfulness, it lacks God's endorsement of
holy representation. It lacks the skills and the knowledge to bring
itself forward in this age of instant internet communication. No
sooner do they deliver some epistle trying to reaffirm their stately
position, then it is met with a deluge of counter missives declaring
the whole thing to be a farce.
is why this church is on its way out. It cannot keep up with the
constant flow of challenges and court dates that its many victims
have launched. It cannot hide its incessant flowing of unnatural
claims that have been superseded by the truth. It cannot lie anymore
and it cannot hide. “The Emperor has no Clothes - has now become
“The Church has no Mandate.” Why? Because of one simple truth.
They have conditioned their parishioners away from inner knowledge,
creativity and power. They have sealed off the door that gives
everyone access to the Divine within. They have lied and abused their
way into authority and that course of action has had its day.
they are busy silencing their critics with cash payments designed to
keep so many of their dirty little secrets hidden. Nevertheless, the
airwaves, newspapers and other sources of public information are
regularly treated to another misadventure by someone in the Catholic
Church. The claim that every organization has its miscreants is
false. What we are seeing is the True Face of the Catholic Religion
which is a source of coercion and lies unparalleled in human history.
We have been witness to the biggest scam of all, The Claim that they
hold the Keys to Heaven.
over Catholic Church. Start packing up the artwork and other spoils
of war you have been accumulating over the years. Have yourself a
nice garage sale so you can pay off your debtors. Be prepared to hire
a good Bankruptcy Lawyer to keep all those “slimy victims” of
yours away from the coffers. You know, the people you abused, lied
to, and then abused again when they had the temerity to challenge
you. We already know about the payoffs. We already know about the
movements of church leaders away from the prying eyes of an astute
public. We already know about your cowardly rendition of 'how poor
are we to be so attacked by those whose suffering we tried to
relieve.' We know all your Bullshit. It's on the news everyday.”
I began this series I worried about how I would feel taking on this
entity called the Roman Catholic Church. I felt vulnerable and naked
after each session. That has now given way to revulsion, disgust and
nausea at what I've uncovered for myself these past few weeks. I'm
not re-inventing the wheel here. I'm not breaking new ground. I'm
simply aligning myself with the facts that underscore to true nature
of this debilitating organization that calls itself the True
Representative of God on this Earth.
don't use that phrase so much anymore because the competition has
been successful in claiming their portions of the world's religious
pie. And you can't murder the competition anymore because that will
cost you recruits. So you have to play the game as it is organized
today. You have to compete for the souls of the uneducated and
Catholic Church, will find ready recruits in the poorest nations of
the world because they are starving and you give them food, in
exchange for membership. You may still be able to coerce whole groups
of Western children because their parents are well instilled with
your ways. But your days are numbered and some in your hierarchy are
already aware."
will dismiss these worries in much the same fashion as did your Roman
Empire leadership before they finally went under. You will hang on to
the belief that you are too mighty to be brought down and you will
follow in the path of your predecessor. You will not learn from your
grossest mistakes because that would be a repudiation of your
original false premises. After nearly 2 thousand years of repeating
the same lies to keep yourself in power and keep the membership
growing you will not give up on this sorry principle. You will stand
on your Titanic prow and continue to claim invincibility, while the
water laps at your feet. You are too stupid to grow up and see the
truth. For those of us who want to see your end, that will be a true
blessing. All we have to do is wait."
will sink yourselves with your manipulations and lies. You will
denigrate those of us who truly form the Army of Light and you will
leave yourselves vulnerable to every kind of attack. In order to
cover up your lies you will need more lies and these will come at
your peril. You have no defense but to come clean and you will not do
so because of your arrogance. You still believe you are beyond
reproach. You still believe you have the wool over our eyes. You
still believe you can rationalize the behavior of your pedophiles as
the exception to the rule. You still believe that condemnation of our
inner knowing and our inner guidance connecting us to the real truth
is simply not possible. You will believe that till your final days,
when the last remnants of your mighty ship slips beneath the waves."
truth is here. God lives within all of us, just as Jesus originally
testified. God does not live in the Catholic Church. If She or He
did, the church authority wouldn't have a thing to worry about. But
the church has sinned. The church has lied. The church has
misrepresented the facts. The church has insulated itself from the
truth. The church has hidden behind a blanket of rationalizations.
dear church, have lied to yourselves and to all of us about your
status in the world. You have beaten, shamed and guilted the world's
vulnerable with your absurd claims to victory over the devil. You are
the devil that you invented. You are the self-created entity that you
constantly proclaim victory over."
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