The Oasis

The oasis thrives within us, friend. Filled with possibility, hungry hearts come here to rest, seek comfort and be inspired.

A Gentle Push

A Gentle Push

         Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives.  It requires such stamina, such a wealth of desire.  Is it any wonder most give up before they start?  The aching inside drives us forward to a hopeful place, where we can perhaps be relieved of our dissatisfaction.

So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean?  Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict?  “I will not live like I did before.”  “I will change the script of my life.”  “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to.”

Well, there’s no need to go it alone.  The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand.  He is right behind you, giving a little push.  Saying things like, “You can do more if you want.”  “There is much in you to offer.”  “You’re just getting started.”  A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way.  Pushing too hard elicits resistance.  That’s not the way to go.  Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.
          Sure it’s scary out there.  To leave the familiar shore and reach for the unknown, that takes courage.  But isn’t that what your Heart wants?  To explore further, to move out of the familiar and try something new?

We all have definitions, don’t we?  “My aunt said this about me; my dad said that; the teacher agreed” and so on.  They provide us with a launching point based on what meaningful others can see.  But remember, they have limitations too.  They see what they can handle.  If there’s genius in the offing, then they are likely out of their league and someone else will have to step up to help out. More often than not, that’s our Self.

That part of us that rises later in life, needs us to take over the helm, to risk if necessary, all that we have in favor of a better, less scripted existence.  We all have more to offer than we are aware, certainly more than others may think. They can only see as far as their limitations permit.  If we are to deliver all that we have, then we have to serve it up ourselves.  By our permission do we rise!

         So take that step now, won’t you?  Give yourself permission to arise.  Open your Heart, see what’s inside and push a little.  It’ll come out on its own then. Once freed, it knows where to go, just like a flower knows how to reach for the sun. It’s your turn now. Let it be so.

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