to the North
once was a young man named Martin who went on a journey to visit his
Soul. Martin had always been a quiet man until one day a reindeer
crossed his path. This deer had come down from the North where great
wise men were said to dwell. The deer was a messenger sent by
He-Who-Knows-All to inform certain “sensitive” individuals of His
goals. On this day the message was being delivered to Martin so he
could awaken to these eternal truths and go out and share this
recovered knowledge. Martin had always been so quiet that he rarely
experienced any upheaval or pressure for change. However, when this
message arrived Martin accepted it, in spite of the potential
consequences to his life, and went bravely into the World to carry
out his mission.
had been asked by He-Who-Knows-All to deliver a message to all the
people of the Earth. The message was a poem which he was to recite
at every opportunity during his travels. This message was of a very
special nature in that it had been spoken repeatedly since the very
dawn of time. It was a message of Peace and Love and it went like
Gather ye round my
friends and neighbors
For I have news of grave
The Great One, God, has
contacted me
And asked that I repeat
to you this poem
Oh where can you be, you
who can see
The Light and Love of God
There happens to be at
this time in our history
A challenge that aims to
bring us around
For you see, my good
friends, if the truth were known
There are no simple
answers to be had
Our Paths are
intertwined; we are all connected
And He-Who-Knows-All
wishes to be found
Let us see if we can
determine what His nature might be
In the systems of planets
and stars that abound
We cannot know His story,
if we stay bound to the Earth
And do not venture into
the further reaches of His mind
Could it be that we, His
seed, are too frightened to proceed
And discover what He has
left for us to be found?
It is our task, you see,
to seek out such truths
To go out and find Him
and then return
He sent us forth before,
and gave us all we needed
So that we could learn to
love and share
When we departed then, it
was to return again and again
And each time come back
richer for the effort
But soon we forgot our
nature; we forgot that we were lost
And we misplaced that
most important direction to the North
For up there in the sky,
hangs a star that is His eye
And it can lead us back
to where we can be found
This eye we see out there
is present everywhere
And helps us find our way
on this holy ground
We cannot be forsaken, if
He simply has taken
All manner of precautions
to help us come around
There was a time you see,
when we thought we could enjoy
All of His glory in the
distances that abound
But soon we learned our
nature, that we were easily frightened
And our self-assuredness
and curiosity ran aground
As we began to look about
for the truth in what we saw
We fell asleep and
slipped into our despair
Because the Eye that once
guided us, had lost its luster
We wound up wandering
aimlessly all around this sphere
Now the message I have to
bring, is of good news, I am told
The message is that We
can again be found
We have to look inside
now, for that Eye in the sky
And there our treasure, I
am assured, will be located
The Eye inside is our
connection to the Holy Divine Fire
It is our link to all
that is eternal and true
We have only to look
about to know we are observed
And that our fate is not
so random after all
There is a purpose in
everything, a pattern to be sure
That sets us upon our
true path
This Eye we hold inside
is our beacon of Light and Love
It will take us back to
Him who is totally aware
We cannot know for
certain, if our aim is true or perfect
But we can learn of our
purpose through our Soul
This Eye I speak of is
the Soul, my friends
It is of Him who
incarnates His Love in Us
His dwelling there is
forever; let there be no doubt
No life exists without
Him; that is for certain
He honors our wishes; our
task is to listen
And bring forth that
which whispers in the dark
This deeper inward
dwelling that hides all kinds of secrets
Is the place where
wonderful treasures can be found
For He who dwells within,
speaks freely from this chamber
Advising us on our
purpose and our path
Why would He be so
considerate of all our wishes
If these were not part of
His grand design
Nor does He ignore our
needs, or deprive us of special benefits
Since all of these have a
purpose in the Plan
This Plan He has is
certain; but requires us to participate
As He cannot bring it
about on His own
He created us to be with
Him and bring about His glory
So that all manner of
Life and Purpose would abound
There is no other
requirement than to be in His service
To ensure that all forms
of living are expressed
For without our
participation, our Lord has no Nation
And no Life or Love can
here be found
So you see, dear friends,
your purpose is very important
To Him from Whom all Life
is derived
He has no need of service
unless you know your purpose
And that purpose is that
Home can be regained
Now listen all you
people; we have a reason to rejoice
We have laughter, we have
purpose and we have a voice
This voice we give back
to Him is not to be left quiet
But to shout louder the
praises that He is blessed
He gave us His energy and
He gave us His love
In so doing, He asked
only that it be returned
The great cycle of Life
requires there be giving and receiving
So that all could be
nurtured and thus served
Let us now sing His
praises as we chant our Forever song
Let us shout out so that
all can be informed
We have whispered for too
long, held back our tones
And our voices have grown
weaker with each passing day
We were never lost, only
asleep, and now we are awakening
We are part of His great
plan and scheme
There is no use
pretending that we are alone any longer
This has never been the
case, to be sure
Our egos only thought so,
because they lived in fear
It was they who believed
that we were abandoned
So my friends, in our
rejoicing, we can all know for certain
That our Lord has come to
take us all Home
He reaches out from
Heaven, and up from in our Hearts
To touch us and have us
be His own
He is not jealous of our
delights, or saddened by our plights
He is only too pleased to
have us come Home
So gather your
belongings, and point yourselves to the North
For the star up there
beckons us to come along
To His Castle in the Sky,
to His unwavering Eye
Let us venture out at
last, and go Home . . .
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