& Purpose
Turmel PhD
are we, standing here on this planet, looking for a place to be? Are
we the “forgotten ones” from a time gone by, a piece of
pre-history perhaps, that lets itself unfold through the pages of
we here all alone, or are we part of something bigger, larger perhaps
than we could ever imagine? Aren’t we like children after all,
looking out into the Universe, wondering what this purpose of ours is
all about?
children we had dozens of questions about this subject, didn’t we?
We wondered all the time where we were from and why we were here
while we marveled about this place called Earth. There were
grasshoppers, butterflies, leaping frogs, crawling snakes, annoying
mosquitoes, dogs and cats, all sorts of strange things that we
uncovered for ourselves each and every day. That was the period of
our discovering this amazing environment in which we were enveloped.
We wondered often then, looking up at the clouds, with a blade of
grass stuck in our mouths: “who are we?” and “why are we here?”
going to answer those questions in this set of articles entitled:
Passion & Purpose. Because, we must have access to, and require
both of these fundamentals to feel truly alive and valuable. Looking
back at our respective childhoods we can see the Passion in every day
of our life, manifesting itself here, there and everywhere as we set
about on our path of discovery. Yes, we were young then, but oh so
passionate we were too. Somewhere along the line that “flame”
got diminished, not going out completely; but reduced to a small
ember, which we need to fan now to return it to the bright blue
flame, we once were. Fires do come and go; but Passion, that is
what is Passion without Purpose? A car spinning its wheels perhaps?
An electric motor running out of control, with nowhere to go?
Passion needs Purpose to be attached to, to be drawn by, to be
enlivened by and directed toward. If we have no purpose, then how
can we have passion? Even if it’s as simple as collecting stamps,
we still need passion to get motivated. In the morning, when we
rise, what gets us going? Yes, some will say “fear of getting
fired” or “not making that next mortgage payment.” But passion
is there all the same, getting us excited about the day ahead, the
challenges we face, the successes we aspire to. Yes, there are times
when we’d rather stay in bed. But these are few and far between.
Even a lazy person can be passionate about doing as little as
possible. Maybe he and/or she are holding their breath for a new
world record or to make a particular point. Does anyone remember
John Lennon and Yoko Ono, in the early 70’s, staying in bed in a
Montreal Hotel for several days to bring attention to some important
issue they were concerned with? How can we know what anyone is about
without tapping into their passion or purpose?
passionate life is a worthy life. It’s exciting, even breathtaking
at times. We are so captivated by the things we love that we can
even run into walls while thinking about it. Just like the “siren
call” to Ulysses, we are drawn toward this ever beckoning signal
and it is inevitable that we’ll get there if we learn to read the
signs. These come from inside in later life. They are called
“intuition” at times, “inner self” and even “higher self.”
These terms all refer to the same living entity, that pulse that
lies within and throbs for only us to hear.
an exciting time when we do finally hear it, because it announces the
birth of a new era. We are less motivated by what goes on outside of
us and more concerned with the inner life. This is where we know the
Gold is. This is our best possibility for future success. Without
this inner guidance we are like a ship without a rudder. We have no
direction; therefore, we have no purpose. And without purpose, where
is our passion to be found?
why then do we keep looking out into the world for this purpose, when
all the wisdom seekers and prophets through history have told us
repeatedly that it lies within. There, inside our hearts, that blue
ember of passion smolders for us alone. It holds our purpose and our
future. It is a letter that needs to be opened. Like a piece of
long overlooked Email, it waits for us to click on it and then fan it
back into a flame. So get down there, and open your mail friend.
You have Passion and Purpose waiting for you too. Time to get
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