The Oasis

The oasis thrives within us, friend. Filled with possibility, hungry hearts come here to rest, seek comfort and be inspired.

Mythology & Parables in the Modern World 5

Mythology & Parables in the Modern World 5

Earlier in this series I was using my own Inspirational experiences as examples of how Self and Soul can erupt into your life. After the book manuscripts stopped flowing, music stepped in to take its place. I had not played the guitar in 20 years and all of a sudden I was being inspired to write song lyrics. Seventeen years later there are over 140 songs in my songbook, half of which have been put to music. My testimony here is factual. I’ve lived what I’m writing about in this mini-course. And through my years of practice I saw Inspiration, with Self & Soul behind the scenes, burst through for many individuals.

When those defensive blocks are removed from their positions of guarding the personality then the Creative River starts to flow. This can be quite startling in the beginning. Because when we’re used to protecting ourselves from real or imagined dangers, letting our Self be expressed can be quite challenging. Most people would believe that opening oneself up like this should be a piece of cake. Not so. A well-defended, closed-up person can be taken aback by this new found creativity. However, knowing that this is coming about, as a result of relieving oneself of various life stressors, can easily temper this tumultuous creative thrust.

So what does all this mean for you, the reader? Well if you’ve been feeling that urge to write, paint, build, construct or sing then your Creativity is calling to you. And that Creativity comes to you through your Self, from your Soul. The phrase “to be called” comes up a lot in Mythology. Various prophets have used such terms to describe their “Call to Arms.” The Awakening that takes place at such times can be quite intimidating. But nonetheless, it’s the power of that Call that makes it so. If you’re feeling something stirring inside then it’s definitely time to listen.

Remember that word LISTEN. It came up in Part 4. Listening to ourselves is not so easy to do when we’re accustomed to silencing that inner critic. He/She is at us all the time, saying; “we’re not good enough, we’ll never achieve our goals” etc. That’s the voice of doom, not of reason. It’s the sound of our own discouragement pouring through us. This may require a little detective work. Did you do this to yourself? Or, was that imposed on you by external circumstances, teachers, parents, various authority figures? 

 The truth is most of us did receive a good dose of this negativity and it can weigh heavily on a person for a long time. But that other voice that lives inside, the one coming from your Self & Soul is saying things like; “I’d like to try this.” “I’d like to express myself that way.” “I’d like to take a chance on me!” 

That voice is calling now. That voice has You in its sights. How do you feel about that? Scared I’ll bet. That’s how it feels at the beginning, when that awakening starts to happen. It can be very scary because all your protective personality defenses are being challenged. They want you to stay Hidden inside for Safety’s sake. While your Self wants to come out for Love’s sake and to be FREE!

Your Self, your piece of the Divine pie needs to come out through you. It can never happen without your consent. And all that energy you’ve put into defending yourself, can now be applied to Creativity, to actualizing Your Piece of the Cosmic Puzzle. If you don’t do it, then that piece, Your Piece, will remain missing from the larger picture. 

 Have you ever tried to finish a puzzle with a number of key pieces missing? Frustrating isn’t it. Well, that must be how God feels when He looks at us and sees a bunch of us scurrying under the coffee table. He knows it’s going to be a while before those parts of the puzzle get assembled. He’s patient though, He’ll wait as long as is necessary.

You see, the Divine part of us never gives up. NEVER! It is always there, encouraging, flattering, suggesting, and nudging us along. That part of us always believes in what we’re capable of, and celebrates when we begin to put that forward. That part of us gets excited when we go out and try something new, when we experiment with a different way of being, when we pick up those note books, crayons, paints, musical instruments, college calendars and so on, because It knows the “Dream” is still alive! 

 Yes, the Dream – that little fantasy we play for ourselves, inside our hearts, when no one is around to discourage us. It features us as Heroine or Hero, doing what it is we secretly want to do, expressing that Passion that rises in us like a tidal wave at times, and we get so excited we could burst. That’s your Passion friend, trying to make its way to the top of the pile. It wants you to recognize It and be there to activate the Switch. Yes – TURN YOURSELF ON! That’s all He asks. The rest is there waiting for you. You have specific Passions because you have ability in those areas. Time to get cracking!

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