There once was a man who came to
Earth because he wanted to learn some important lessons. He had
traveled far and wide throughout the Universe, gathering much
knowledge along the way and experiencing many different forms of
existence. He had traveled as a spirit in a number of spheres and
galaxies. He spent some time as a Shepard of comets, and held
various positions as a Guardian of planets within a number of star
constellations. Our young man had grown tired of these experiences
and wanted to try something different. So he asked the Great Creator
if he could come to Earth for a time and learn about life here. His
request was granted.
his arrival on Earth our young man discovered many important facts
about himself. The first thing he realized was that he now had a
body, a dense body composed of the same material that constituted and
supported all life on Earth. He also discovered that he had a Heart
which was to guide him on this earthly adventure. In other planes of
experience he never had such an instrument. In these instances he
had to rely on other faculties to guide him along.
Heart revealed itself to be a curious instrument which he set about
to understand. It was not at all like the heart that beat in his
chest. It was more of a “feeling nature” that advised him about
circumstances in which he found himself and what action he might want
to take. He could experience pain to a depth so profound he would be
moved to tears. He could experience joy that sent him soaring into
the heavens. He could experience satisfaction and disappointment
within moments of each other. A truly amazing instrument this “heart
nature” was.
his “heart nature” as his guide our young man set out on his
journey through Earth life. He believed he was here to accomplish
something important for the Great Creator, for that was the nature of
their relationship. The Great Creator would afford him opportunities
for new experiences and, in turn, our young man would accomplish
something for his Master.
Part of every new journey was the
element of surprise, where discoveries would be made and experiences
realized as by-products of the adventure. Not knowing what was ahead
made it all the more exciting.
As he proceeded on this adventure
our young man encountered individuals with bodies similar to his. He
took to looking at them closely to see who they were in their Hearts.
With some, he could only see a faint glimmer emanating from their
“heart nature,” but with many more he could barely see any light
at all. This he found to be truly puzzling for he envisioned himself
as like the creatures around him. And because of that, he fully
expected to see in them similar characteristics to his own.
As his confusion grew about these
“dimly lit” hearts our young man called upon the Great Creator to
help him understand. And the Creator came to speak with him in his
“My son, you have come to planet
Earth to learn many things. With your Heart as your guide you can
experience to the maximum that which you encounter in your travels
and you can clearly hear My Voice when you require answers to your
questions. With such an open capacity to experience and receive you
fully expected to meet others who would be the same. But what you
have observed is that many individuals on this Earth plane are closed
off in that heart area, so that they experience little of what’s
around them and have no direct contact with their source, which is
“But Lord, why is this so? Why
are we not all alike?” he added, with some concern in his voice.
“But you are, My son, all very
much alike. What you have come across here are individuals who are
closed off from their inner Self. And so they appear lost to you as
you cannot see the spark from their heart which would identify them
as very much like you.”
“So what am I to do, Lord? What
am I to say? I cannot be here if I am to feel so alone. That pain
seems unbearable to me.”
“I know,” the Creator replied.
“I did not send you here to be lonely. I wish for you to rejoice
in this experience called Earth Life. We must do something to remedy
the situation. I will consult with My angels and return to you
While waiting to hear back from the
Great Creator our young man continued on his journey. He suddenly
came upon a beautiful woman with a Heart all aglow. “How
wonderful,” he thought to himself. “Someone to whom I can relate
and perhaps share this Earthly experience.”
“Greetings my lady, would you
please help me? I am here on a journey of discovery and I am
uncertain as to how to proceed. Can you offer me any suggestions?”
“Well,” the lady began, “I
certainly can try. First, you must determine why you are here. Is
it your mission to simply wander about and experience the Earth as it
appears, without becoming involved in the course of life? Or is it
perhaps your task to influence Life here in some positive
growth-fulfilling fashion by being involved?”
“I am sorry, I do not know what
you mean,” he replied. “I arrived here with my Heart open and
fully expected to meet others like myself. It had been my task in
the past to merely look after the environment to which I was
assigned. I assumed that this might be the case once again.”
“Very well,” the woman
reflected. “I believe I can see your dilemma. In the past you
were accustomed to caring for and maintaining an object or area, but
not influencing in order to promote positive growth.”
“What do you mean?” he asked,
still puzzled but curious.
“Let’s see,” she began. “In
caretaking one’s task is to simply maintain a situation or object
as it is, perhaps guiding a little here or there, but exerting no
significant influence. On planet Earth we are all involved in a
growth experiment and that requires some effort on all our parts.”
“On all our parts?” he
“Yes,” she went on, “on all
our parts. There are many like myself who have their Hearts fully
opened and our task is to help those who’s Hearts are not so open.”
“You mean those individuals whom
I saw earlier with barely a glimmer had Hearts that were mostly
“That is correct,” she
replied, “and it is these individuals whom we are here to help.”
“I see then,” he repeated.
“So that would be my task, too, I believe. Since I have also come
here with my Heart fully opened.”
“Very likely so,” she added.
“Although the Great Creator could tell you for certain.”
Just then the Creator returned to
address our young man.
“I see you have already found
your answer.”
“Yes, Lord, I believe I have. I
am here to influence this Life in the most positive way I can and
help those individuals whose hearts are barely open. I will go
forward now and address this need as I understand it to be one part
of my assignment.”
“And the other part?” the
Creator inquired.
“Of that I am not completely
sure,” he went on. “But I believe it has to do with learning
such lessons myself before I can influence others more effectively.
I noticed my need for this when talking with the beautiful woman you
sent to answer my questions.”
“Well said, My son. I see that
you are learning quickly. I hope all your future questions can be
answered as easily. I will return to you as you need Me.”
And our young man proceeded on his
journey, helping light the lights of those still in darkness and
spreading good humor with his openness and warmth. And from that
time on, with the Creator in his Heart and a sense of purpose in full
view, our young man knew that his time had come and he was ready to
activate his mission.
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