Doesn’t Have A Prayer - 8
Abuse Recovery
seems to be a lot going on in the area of Religious Abuse Recovery at
this time. The most recent letter I received came from a man who had
suffered at the hands of Santeria practitioners in his native Cuba.
Even when the family migrated to the US, these heinous abusive
practices continued in the home. Over the years this man has suffered
with many major addictions, all designed to numb out those early
abuse experiences.
letter to me provides a glimpse into the horrific nature of Santeria
practices which included unheard of physical abuses applied to
children no less, to rid them of sin. What he has described makes my
own experiences of religious abuse seem trite by comparison. But as
this gentleman insists, no one's experiences of religious abuse can
ever be deemed trite. And he is absolutely right on that point.
am being pushed by my Guidance to act on this latest offering and
open the door to discussion and revelation on this matter. I invite
all sufferers of religious abuse to provide your stories and share
your experiences of religious abuse. Also, tell us what you feel you
need to help you with your recovery.
has been nagging at me since replying to that last letter. It has to
do with the on-going abuse that is still being perpetuated by
religions across the globe as they work feverishly to keep members
enslaved to their organizations. The Roman Catholic Church, my
abuser, is only one such enslaver of people's minds. Many religions
make use of similar applications of strategic religious doctrine,
most of which they made up themselves. At this time, there are many
religions whose underbellies are being exposed to show their own
litany of abusive religious practices.
time to rid ourselves of these insidious purveyors of religious
brainwashing and heal our abuse wounds. It is time to connect with
Source directly and bypass, once and for all, this steady stream of
religious interference and pollution. There is nothing spiritual
about religion. It is as insidious in its practices as Hitler's SS.
is a bold step I am calling for. It means the outright rejection of religion as we know it, in favor of the full embrace of our personal
spiritual and God-Like nature. We do not need anyone to force feed us
their brand of religion when we can make our own connections to the
Divine and reclaim a heritage that has always been ours. The God
Voice that speaks through me is disgusted with the current turn of
events and wants this religious blight erased from the Earth once and
for all.
my book "The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension" a group of student trainees go through this very
revolution in thought and application to come to terms with their own
Divinity. They are removed from their home environments and taken to
a Cosmic Training Centre to be taught how to make their personal
connections with Source. Source in this case is "The Voice"
and all these students learn to hear it for themselves.
"Voice" lives inside each and every one of us. That Voice
has been buried under the rubble of Religious Abuse for centuries
now. That Voice is calling to us because it wants to rise through
each and every one of us. Those who would reject this, such as most
of today's religions, will be set aside as this new wave of Conscious
Evolution takes the planet by storm.
changes are as inevitable as the Sun rising tomorrow. This Voice will
rise, make no mistake about that. This New Age we have entered has
signaled the beginning of a New Program for the Human Race. Ascension
to higher levels of consciousness is a must. And what is required is
for each of us to move into the Flow. That's it, no more complicated
than that.
get this started on a massive scale, we need a wholesale revolution
against the churches and their religious masters. These have
imprisoned us for centuries through their cleverly conceived brand of
poisonous pedagogy that has steadily contaminated the world's
populations and kept so many locked into their force fed pollution.
It is time for all of us to rise up and reject them outright. I
invite you to join me in this Revolution. I challenge you to stand up
for yourself right now.
need to be formed around the world, in every nation, in every state
and province, where people can gather together online or in person to
share their stories, expose their wounds and heal the effects of
their personal experiences of religious abuse. Stories, statistics,
testimonials, healing methods, all need to be shared so that victims
everywhere can now stand up and declare: NO
will suffer No More at the hands of my religious abusers and I will
heal myself of their polluting effects."
have seen recovery movements born for Alcoholics, Child Abuse victims
and Sexual Abuse victims. We have seen every kind of support group
imaginable come to the fore in response to the needs of one or more
disadvantaged groups of abused and victimized individuals. As
mentioned, people come together to share their stories, their
strategies for recovery and methods of renewal, then they develop
models to assist others who are ready to come out from the dark and
release their shame-filled selves.
Abuse victims everywhere need to rise up now, to claim their place in
wider society and to declare unequivocally that they will no longer
be silent about what religion has done to them. There will be no
place left for religion to hide. Lawsuits, media exposure, whatever
it takes, I call on you to deliver your piece of the message so we
can bring these hoodlums to account for their miss-application of
God's message and for their perverted use of physical, sexual,
emotional and mental abuse practices to exert control over us
starting in childhood.
shame that the world's religions cast onto us has to be returned to
them. They are the abusers and the shame that we all suffered belongs
to them. This is no different than when a sexual abuse victim, now an
adult, comes to the door of their abuser's home and declares "I
know what you did to me and I will tell everyone about it." No
more secrets people. It's their shame, not ours. Let's declare an end
to that part of our suffering.
global religious shame belongs to the religious abusers that had
their way with victims and to their leadership which constantly
looked the other way as children around the world were being affected
with this insanity. By doing nothing, except trying to hide these
blatant abuses, religions everywhere have sanctioned Santeria, Child
Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia and many more unnamed perversions.
majority of the world's religions are guilty of Crimes Against
Humanity. These are the persons and religious authorities that need
to be called to account for these crimes. These are the organizations
that corrupted the Word of God for their own ends, to control
populations and collect money for doing so.
are the very Money Changers that Jesus Christ kicked out of the
temple. These are the same organizations that looked the other way
when Hitler's Nazis were murdering 6 million Jews in the last
century. And prior to that, these were the religious organizations
that were themselves murdering people around the world for being
"heathens." These individuals and their respective
organizations are the worst of the worst. They are pretenders to the
throne of religious authority when they in fact have no such mandate.
time to call them to account. And the first step is personal
liberation. We heal ourselves, and in so doing, we make them
responsible for the abuse, not the innocent child we once were. If
it's my destiny to open this door and get the ball rolling, then so
be it. Come one, come all, and we'll do this together.
Is The Time!
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