Doesn't Have a Prayer - 1
Goodbye to Religion
following essay has been brewing in my subconscious since day 1 of my
life. Back then I was just absorbing the sounds and smells of my
environment, not having words or obvious methods to identify or
describe my experiences. I was also absorbing something else,
something nefarious, the religion of my parents and extended family -
the Roman Catholic Religion, French Canadian style.
this past weekend I was fortunate enough to read an essay
by Jimmy Carter
who was announcing the rejection of his childhood religion because of
their position on women's rights. This same weekend I saw a rerun of popular TV drama where the issue of the day was a woman's lawsuit against
the Boston Catholic Church authority who were refusing her admission
into the priesthood.
is enough! This essay is likely the beginning of a new book for me,
one that has been writing itself since I first arrived on this
dedicate this essay and subsequent book to the abused child within
me, the part of me that was shamed, guilted and bullied by a religion
that claimed to know what was best for me.
already mentioned, I grew up surrounded by extended family who were
equally afflicted with the same disease of which I have spent a
lifetime purging myself. I call it a disease because of all the
challenges I was confronted with as a child, this particular exposure
left me with the deepest wounds which have been the source of my
greatest psychic pain.
my whole family was afflicted with this disease, there was nowhere
for a young boy to turn, nowhere to obtain an outside view. We
children were regularly warned about exposing ourselves to the wider
protestant community and how their religion was totally wrong. It had
to be, because only our religion could be right.
a child to do? These adults should know better, shouldn't they? Well,
it turns out they didn't. These so-called adults were still children
themselves when it came to their religion and they were caught in the
same web we, as the next generation, were being dragged into.
am currently in my late 60s, a trained psychologist with 3 degrees,
including a PhD in Counseling Psychology. I also have over 30 years
experience as a practicing therapist and consultant providing counseling, consulting
and therapy services to individuals, families and corporations. The
more education and experience I obtained, the more readily I could
see through the lies and fabrications that my religion had steeped me
in as a child.
religious representatives of my day included nuns and priests. We
received our regular dose of Catholic exhortations on Sundays as we
were force marched to listen to the latest installment of "nothing
makes sense but believe it anyway." And through the week we had
the more subtle versions that were identified as education. For some
reason I have never indicated on my resume that I could rattle off an
endless list of questions and answers from the Catholic Catechism.
religious authorities traded on guilt and shame. Most people think
fear is the world's most powerful negative enforcer. Not completely
true for Catholics. Guilt and shame were the currency of the day, and
fear of course played a part after those main buttons had been
installed. The Catholic Church operated at a different level, tying
fear to guilt and shame for an extra level of control over their
two clubs were used everyday to club us children into submission.
They had already done their job on our parents, who were now well
patterned to sacrifice their offspring to the same unchallenged lies
and misrepresentations of God's Holy Truth.
is a category in Psychology identified as "Learned
Helplessness." This comes as a result of constant battering,
guilting, shaming and belittling of any of us who wouldn't comply
with "the rules" quickly enough. This was tantamount to
poisoning the well, in this case, the well of freedom and truth. Once
you were saturated with the poison, psychologically speaking, then
they would offer you their version of God for your salvation. Great
had the audacity to question why I needed a Savior in the first
place? Well, when you're born into Original Sin (read "defective"
by their standards) then your whole life becomes a commitment to
seeking redemption through the formulas they provide you with. Talk
about ruthless compliance. When you sinned, which you did everyday,
you could seek some redemption in the confessional. But how do you
confess Original Sin?
that's where this story begins. Original Sin is a lie. And any church
or religion based on that foundation is also a lie!
Catholic Church is a lie from beginning to end. It advances itself as
a harbinger of truth when really it is a business run by
authoritarian types who use its main tools of guilt and shame as
their principal method of subduing the population they want to
control. First they make you believe you are born a sinner and then
offer you their brand of salvation which includes regular attendance
at church, financial support of the organization and compliance with
their definitions of sin versus goodness. This is Learned
Helplessness in a nutshell. Catholic Church authorities abuse and
poison you, then offer you a way out (salvation) that requires you to
financially support them, your abusers.
that sound like the Stockholm Syndrome? First they take you hostage
and then suggest you can have certain freedoms as long as you comply
with their prefabricated formulas of seeking redemption and
acceptance. Fearing the devil and outright damnation, what's a
hostage to do? Especially a child? I did what we all did, accepted
their authority and complied.
summarize, shall we. First, you are born into Original Sin = lie #1.
Then you must seek salvation, through Catholicism's methods only =
lie #2. God, who is perfect, and by that definition should only
create perfection, screwed up with you and that's why you need to be
molded = lie #3. The Catholic Church, who infected you with this
poisonous conception of yourself, now offer themselves up as the key
to your salvation = lie #4. You are not to challenge this authority =
lie #5. You are never to doubt or question any of their teachings =
lie #6. The Catholic Church truly represents Jesus Christ and all His
teachings = lie #7. And the list goes on.
truth is the Romans crucified Christ and the Roman Catholic Church
has trampled all over his body. There are many more lies we can
attribute to the Catholic Church and these will be well documented in
succeeding chapters.
is particularly hard to write about because my guilt and shame
buttons are setting off alarms left and right. Those buttons are
still somewhat alive at the moment and are reacting to these words.
I'm strong enough at this point to let that happen because I know
this purging will be convulsive at times. The inner me, the one who
truly knows the truth, is guiding me along and providing all the
necessary encouragement to see myself through this process. Each
word, each phrase, each sentence touches that wound inside me. As
with any infection, I know there will be painful times as I squeeze
this religious pus out. I will withstand the pain so that I can
finally be rid of this poison.
steeping in the poison well of Catholicism drove me to Psychology
like a dry and thirsty traveler to an oasis. For a time, psychology
became my new religion because it offered insights into my pain and
suffering, and gave me tools that did not require unquestionable
abdication of my own power. I could now choose psychology as a way
out of my personal dilemmas. I had no choice in regards to the
religion in which I was poisoned.
first venture into self-help came at age 20 when I read Norman
Vincent Peale's "The
Power of Positive Thinking."
I didn't know what was wrong with me at the time. All I knew was that
life didn't make sense and my parents' view of the world no longer
worked. I wasn't strong enough to completely abdicate my membership,
but I was strong enough and intelligent enough to begin asking
questions and seeking my own answers. It would be another 10 years or
so before I could finally shake off those religious shackles and see
them for what they were. Outright lies, psychological deceit and
abusive control mechanisms!
Peale certainly espoused his own religious flavor, but it never came
across as toxic. I felt I could easily reach past that part of his
message and retrieve the dominant psychological pointers my aching
heart was yearning for. I've read thousands of self-help and personal
growth books since then. They each offered their own brand of
nourishment that I took to like a duck to water. It felt right. And
from that point forward, I trusted that part of me, the inner me, my
heart center, to lead me forward on my climb out of the poison well
of Catholicism.
heart is pounding at this point. My whole being is vibrating as I
write these words and journal myself back to health in front of all
of you who are reading this. I couldn't be any more honest or scared.
But that courageous part of me, the still quiet part, says: "move
on son, move on, you're doing great."
comes from my God Self who often speaks on behalf of my wounded Inner
Child. He and I know we need this cleansing desperately. We are so
close to being completely free, I know this will be our final
struggle. My Inner Child and I are coming out kicking and screaming,
knocking down the remnants of religious authoritarianism that still
carries that original poison. I feel like a young bird, trying to be
born, crashing his way out of his shell to reach for freedom and true
liberation. This is my final goodbye to Catholicism and Religion in
general. I will scrape every aspect of them out of my Heart and Soul
and be completely Free of their tyranny. My Inner Child needs this,
and my God Self demands it.
insidious nature of modern Catholicism and all its attending
teachings are the venom we must be rid of. Just like an animal who
has eaten something bad for them, my inner child wants to throw up
everything given to him by the Catholic Church. He is so angry he
could easily seek revenge of a physical nature were there not
sensible precautions against doing so. I know, I have heard from
priest friends and other religious types that at its core, the
Catholic religion has a good message. I am also sure that if I
rummage through a garbage bin I may eventually find something
palatable to eat. Since it is a garbage bin, I simply choose not to
eat there.
wounded inner child is primitive. When struck by a physical or verbal
blow, they immediately want to strike back. That's what you find when
you peel away all the layers of indoctrination and psychological
defense mechanisms, an angry Inner Child with a serious desire for
revenge. Unhindered, that could happen, but most likely not. Why? For
the simple reason that we have to develop a sophisticated method of
self-assessment guided by our Higher Self to see that damage in the
first place. From that vantage point, violence is never an answer.
does our abused Inner Child want? Just like the animal who vomits the
material that would potentially poison him or her, so does this child
want to be rid of the lies and manipulations that have kept them a
psychological and emotional prisoner all these years. There is life
outside of religion and I as a spiritually free individual choose to
seek it. I can no longer tolerate the Catholic Church's Stockholm
syndrome approach to religious compliance.
is powerful stuff I write as it comes rushing to the surface. Myself
as guardian of my inner world has served notice that all bets are
off. "Cry if you must, little child! Scream if you want to!
Swear if that helps. Say everything that needs to be said and say it
thoroughly. Do not leave one stone unturned." That is my message
to him, as his father and main caregiver on this plane. "Your
experiences of abuse will be heard and duly noted. Blame for the
religious portion of this abuse will be placed where it belongs, on
the shoulders of the Catholic Church who, not only sanctioned it, but
invented and taught the methodology."
I'm finished with this project there will be blood on the floor.
There will be gnashing of teeth by the Catholic Authorities and they
will want to strike back. But they will do it in a well camouflaged
diatribe of intellectual nonsense that will include feeling sorry for
such a poor soul as myself. There will be vain attempts at shutting
me down. There will certainly be strong efforts to discredit me. To
them I say "I've got a PhD, a loving heart and a direct
connection to Source who has prepared me for this. Good luck with
know I'm not being thrown to the lions here. I'm being trotted out
with all the tools, information and spiritual protection one needs to
deal with the coming backlash from the current establishment. If
these religious authorities were truly comfortable with their
position they would simply ignore me. But they are not, so they
won't. They are on tenuous ground that keeps shifting beneath their
feet with every move they make, and with the advancing knowledge base
the Internet is now offering the entire world. They are off balance
in a serious and dangerous way and they know it. Their livelihoods as
pretenders to a self-erected religious throne is threatened. Their
way of life is about to disappear.
wonder the Catholic Church is behind open borders in the United
States. They need new recruits. And the only place they can get them
is from impoverished countries whose population is largely
uneducated. An educated population, tired of self-appointed gurus and
self-promoting religious authorities, is keeping a watchful eye. The
Internet pounces every time they open their mouths, so they retreat
into their well developed denial systems to lick their wounds and
am no longer concerned about how my opinions affect others. I am not
out to harm anyone, only tell the truth as it rises in my heart, a
heart that was once held captive by the Catholic Religion of my
youth. I trust my heart now, more than ever in my life. And surprise,
surprise, there's my God Self. I just want you to find yours and open
up to that. That was Christ's message to all of us - "The
Kingdom is Within" "Trust Your Self!"
religion will get what is coming to them from every direction
imaginable. As mentioned earlier, this past week former American
President Jimmy Carter announced
he was severing ties with his religious organization after 6 decades
of loyal compliance. Others are decrying religion
as a virus.
Just Google "Religion in Decline" and see for yourself.
the religious ice age of our times, they are in full retreat. Their
end is upon them and they are clinging to the marginal underpinnings
of their belief system. They will be called to answer for their abuse
of children, their disenfranchisement of woman and their outright
fabrication of so-called religious principles that were designed
solely to support their false claims.
am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"
(from the movie - "Network")
you are reading this and the message resonates with you, then repeat
the above phrase three times out loud to begin the process of purging
yourself of the Catholic brand of religious venom. Be prepared for
some shaky and tumultuous times ahead while you express your way to
spiritual freedom.
your truth! Blog your truth! Join a support group! Find a way to rid
yourself of this poison and begin the journey. This website, YourSpiritualOasisCentre, has every tool you need to engage that process and move from entry
level personal awareness to final liberation from all the untruths
and false premises you were inculcated with. What is final
liberation? When you know that you're being God Incarnate is the same
as "To Thine own Self be True."
New Age that has come upon us and is gaining momentum every day needs
clean vehicles in which to anchor God's incoming Light. The Christ
within us needs to feel safe in order to open and receive it. She/he
needs to know that you are ready to take care of them, a task you
could not undertake when you were a child being victimized by your
family's religious authority. The God in you is done with that.
She/he never wanted to be associated with the pornographers of faith
who operated in His name.
Christ that is now being revealed to us is sickened by their
behavior, as am I and most of you reading this. Yes, He speaks
through me, as He does through thousands if not millions of souls who
are opening to His word right now, none of whom lay claim to any
organized religion, including Catholicism.
you prepared to journey with me and the many way-showers who are
paving the way into this new millennium? It may get rough for a
while. We ex Catholics who have been simmering with the toxic effects
of shame and guilt for years, if not eons, are ready to boil over.
The poison in our systems will be evacuated once and for all. The
shame and guilt buttons installed by these religious authorities are
being disconnected as I write this. This religious ice age is now in
full retreat. You certainly don't need to be an ex Catholic to apply
this strategy to your life. If the shoe fits, wear it. Then take care
of whatever business your heart reveals as needing your immediate
inner work does not benefit from intellectual banter. You must move
straight to your heart and adopt all the tools necessary to beget a
proper cleansing. The God in You and in All of Us wants to be FREE.
So let us do whatever is necessary to bring that about, and let us
support each other in our individual endeavors.
you ready for this journey? It's going to be exciting. And it will be
the most liberating experience of your life. This is your chance to
learn what Christ wanted to teach us from the beginning. The Kingdom
is Within and We are Gods just waiting to be found.
While the support of like minded people in a community of faith can be helpful, in practice being 'religious' in itself does not necessarily mean being 'spiritual.' Religion means attending religious ritual and services, obeying creeds and religious instructions. Being spiritual means being loving tolerantly, and unselfishly helping others who are in need. There are many people who are not religious and still do great spiritual work.
effect of being spiritual is the increase of the vibrations of the
'soul' or 'spirit.' A religious person can also be highly spiritual
if he/she develops love and compassion and is unselfishly serving
others. Being spiritual does not depend on wealth or education or
profession or status or religion. One could be atheistic or agnostic
and have a higher level of spirituality than the highest religious
leader in the world, who may be highly religious but not necessarily
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