Doesn’t Have A Prayer - 9
Abuse as Emotional Torture
begin our story with a poem, one I wrote years ago, in what seems
like another lifetime. My Guidance tells me I walked the earth back
then and saw for myself the insidious beginnings of this thing called
were looking for ways to control the masses. Each day some new
purpose would emerge designed to enslave the existing populations and
have them do the dirty work of those who saw themselves as Masters.
the purposes of this story and the Religious Abuse Recovery Program
we are launching here, we will focus our attention on the Catholic
Church primarily. But this expose can be applied to other religions
as well.
Folly – Religious Abuse
the Name of the Father / How can it be? / You lied and cheated /
Deceived me, I can see
more holdouts / No more old scores / Time to return me / To my sweet
one true love / That resides within / Is not without worry / But
certainly without sin
abuse of the Father / Is no folly indeed / It happened to many /
Disrupted His creed
words were spoken / In the hearts of the All / Lost and forsaken /
Left in the Hall
to be taken / By those who “knew better” / Thought they’d
interpret / That unopened letter
though it was / To be opened by you / Thought they would grab it /
And give it a chew
this they did / And badly as well / Hell and damnation / Had cast
their spell
after the heartache / The evil and rhyme / The words of the Lord /
Were turned into slime
these are retrievable / Through your own heart / Look in there now
dear / You’ll find your part
longer distorted / By those in the know / Cause you open your own
mail / To start your own show
it be said / That God always knew better / He’d let you find / Your
very own letter
let you know / When you had enough / Cause His Heart is Yours / And
Yours is so tough
than lies / Let that be for certain / Look inside your self / Just
behind the curtain
veil they created / With their stories untrue / The nonsense they
taught / And said was about you
know the truth / God set it there / He said: “Take a look dear /
Don’t you be scared”
placed those words / Inside your heart / I knew you’d find / Your
very own part”
glad you took charge / And set it all straight / No use pretending /
I just couldn’t wait”
you could find / Your way to center / Heaven is right here, dear /
Time for you to enter”
I love you, I do”
Lord within You
to Remove that Religious Collar:
come to you with this news because it is time to remove that
religious collar from around your necks. We have suffered at the
hands of our religious leaders. We adopted methods of coping that
affected us adversely. These would include the great variety of
addictions all designed to numb out the toxic effects of Guilt and
Shame piled upon us by those who claimed to know better. This is one
aspect of the insidious nature of Religious Abuse.
set the stage so we can all see where this enslavement of souls
began. At the beginning of the First Millennium AD, around the time
Jesus Christ was born, the Roman Empire was in a stiff decline. Their
mastery and control over Europe and various regions in Africa and the
Middle East were falling apart because the Roman leaders could no
longer maintain the discipline necessary to keep their legions
subjects in line.
the Roman Empire continued its decline, some of its soon to be
deposed leaders noticed that a rise in religious fervour was taking
root, therefore, an opportunity to harness that need was now
available. They realized they could transform this seeking of
spiritual succour into a different form of enslavement that only
required conditioning of the mind. By co-opting God as their ultimate
Higher Power, they could deliver to the populace a series of edicts
that could not be challenged, since they came directly from God.
uneducated populace fell right into the trap and became supporters of
this new religious movement. The Roman Empire morphed into the Roman
Catholic Church and carried on their usual affairs under the guise of
a new business model. Former military leaders exchanged their battle
garb for priestly robes and began the transformation. They started to
build churches and went to work developing their mind conditioning
saw for themselves what power religious beliefs could hold when they
witnessed the effect Jesus Christ had on the population of the time.
After they killed him, they jumped all over this need and began the
business of converting the Empire into a large scale Religion.
developed all kinds of methods for enticing people, methods that made
good use of the technological advances of the day. For a naïve
population, these acts of trickery were pure magic and served to draw
them tighter within the fold. Simple mathematical formulas coupled
with advances in hydraulics were converted into the miracles of
crying statues, bleeding glass and speaking stones, all orchestrated
behind the scenes by masters of illusion who hired themselves out to
the Highest Bidders. That’s how Catholicism began, with trickery
and deceit, methods that remain in existence to this very day.
form of trickery and deceit set the stage for what was to become a
systematic program of wowing potential converts with manufactured
miracles. The biggest coup for the Catholic Church was when they
successfully co-opted Jesus Christ’s name and enormous popularity.
Once he was out of the way, it was easy, because he was no longer
around to challenge them. This simply was the common business
practice of stealing an idea, then getting rid of the competition
that created it.
that was not enough. They needed a founder, someone who was loyal to
Jesus Christ, and that was his right hand man, Peter. They claimed
Peter as the founder of Jesus Christ’s church, even though they had
killed him as well, crucified him upside down, if you recall. So
today you have St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City and St. Peter’s
Basilica within that square all contained within a small piece of
real estate that reports to no one but itself, exempt from taxes and
exempt from scrutiny, the wealthiest religious organization on the
the meantime, Roman Empire soldiers became Christian Mercenaries and
led the charge against Heathens everywhere. A heathen was simply a
person or group that did not endorse Christianity. For this failure
to comply they were killed, with Holy Swords and in God’s name. A
few centuries back, during the time of the Crusades, a Christian
mercenary leader reportedly asked his Pope, Pope Innocent II, how he
should differentiate between believers and heathens, so as not to
smite the faithful. And the Pope replied: “Kill them all. We’ll
let God determine which are His.” There you have another piece of
the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.
may dispute these claims as too simplistic and not factual enough,
because I offer no accounting of dates or other specifics. The
accuracy of these claims can be determined when you Google any of the
key words listed above. For the purposes of your Religious Abuse
Recovery, such details are unnecessary. What the church did or didn’t
do, and who were the main players at the times of various atrocities
will have no effect on what you need to recover from Religious
Abuse. All we are showing you here are the corrupt beginnings of a
Religion that claimed to have your best interests in mind, while its
priests and nuns were busy berating you, sexually abusing you,
shaming you and reducing you to puddles of tears, as successfully
conditioned you to hate your self. This is spiritual blasphemy of the
highest order
Roman Catholic Church has become a massive and perverse institution
whose main weapons include psychological controls, de-humanizing
physical and sexual abuses and constant condemnation of your value as
a person, as a true son / daughter of God. This is how they started
and where they remain to this day, keeping all of us as children
dependent on them, and continuing their program of mental and
emotional enslavement through psychological torture and conditioning.
need to see this for yourself, so you can come out of the trance they
have put you in. All of their messages are what we psychologists call
“double-binds”. For example: “God loves you, but you’re a
Sinner.” “If you do as we say, you will go to Heaven. If you
don’t, you will go to Hell.” There was no Hell until they
invented it. There was no Purgatory until they invented that.
of these machinations are fictions, all part of the Big Lie to keep
you enslaved. None of it is true. They made it all up. And they
continue to promote these ideas to this day because now they can rely
on unquestioned history and their 2,000 years in business as
validation of their eternal righteousness and authority.
is where the Roman Catholic Church started. They discovered that
Guilt and Shame, coupled with the fear of rejection by God, were
stronger weapons than arrows and swords for bringing populations to
their knees. It was easy back then to dupe so many people, because
there was no education system to speak of, except for the elites who
were already behind this fictional creation, and are still there to
this day.
Christ did not launch the Catholic Church and neither did his close
friend and disciple, Peter. They were setting the stage for a
spiritual revolution however, and that is why they were killed. They
were a threat to the ruling authorities of the day. Once these two
were out of the way, the elites of the time seized the opportunity to
capitalize on the authentic search for truth and wholeness, and used
this natural human desire to enslave people in a whole new manner.
With the fear of God duly installed, they could do pretty much
whatever they wanted.
successfully utilized the power of belief and the natural urge to
meld with one’s God as a tool for conscripting millions into their
fold while installing themselves as the only legitimate intermediary
between man and God.
where our experiences of religious
abuse began.
These perverse psychological tactics have been in operation for 2,000
years and they will not be going away quietly. The perversions of
Christ’s original message are still going on, as are the abuses
inflicted on countless children all over the world. We have only seen
the tip of the iceberg where these abuses are concerned. The Catholic
Church has successfully silenced many dissenting and complaining
voices by simply paying them off under gag order conditions.
the meantime they continue to manage their business as usual. Who is
the next potential Saint in their line-up of fake ascenders? Let’s
condemn abortion one more time. Let’s continue to deny poor people
in third world countries the use of condoms to keep family sizes
manageable. Let’s release another edict against homosexuality while
tour own ranks are filled with them. Let’s publicly condemn priest
pedophiles while we continue to shift them from parish to parish as
complaints are laid.
hypocrisy and more lies are the true foundations of the Catholic
Church. You need to see this to begin your recovery. You need to know
that you placed your trust in the lowest of the low, that your
parents were duped as were the thousands of generations before them.
You need to see how badly and perversely you’ve been lied to so
that you can contemplate the idea that you are not so bad after all.
When we reject our abuse experiences as determiners of who we are and
put these back onto the shoulders of our abusers where they belong,
we begin to see that their practices are clear testimony of their
perverse nature.
are the abusers and we are the victims. The abuse that we suffered is
about “what happened to us.” It is not about who we are. But it
most certainly is about who and what they are. And they are
everything they ever accused us of. They are the perverse and the
psychologically sick. Their actions, thoughts and behaviors toward
innocent children are what need to be condemned. They are the
purveyors of abuse.
Catholic Church’s entire program began with a series of lies and
that remains as their foundation to this day. These people are
murderers, liars, child abusers, sexual abusers and emotional
abusers. They live in a hollowed out world where the only truth that
matters is what will help perpetuate their power and control for
another day, week or year.
have piles and piles of money that they keep to themselves while they
shame us into giving to the poor and disenfranchised, loathsome
conditions that they help perpetuate with their antiquated but
controlling messages about sin, sexual activity and birth control. In
their world, it’s all about counting the cash, keeping the business
humming along and silencing the victims of their various abuses
through murder or payoff. Yes, there are bodies buried around
residential schools in North America, children that were killed by
their priest caretakers. Those who survived these experiences and
witnessed the murders, have been bought off by those pesky gag
orders, so that the Catholic Church can continue to pretend it is
wholesome and clean.
church, and many like it, is as political as any government and as
corrupt as the worst you and I have ever seen. They are befuddled by
the fact that they continue to be sued and called to account for
their misdeeds. After all, shouldn’t they be above the law?
Meanwhile, children abused at their hands, grow into adults who have
multiple problems with self-trust, self-worth, self-esteem,
self-condemnation and even self-abuse. These are the childhood
religious abuse victims who as adults turn to alcohol and drugs to
mollify their experiences of abuse at the hands of the Catholic
Church. These people are you and I, victims of abuse at the hands of
tyrannical nuns and priests who clubbed us into submission by
conditioning us to fear God, the same God they claim is always loving
and welcoming – another double-bind.
Pope is a big fat joke. They have elevated him to Rock Star status
and sent him around the world to mingle with the common people. He’s
just a father figure who goes around the world making a sign of the
cross over the heads of thousands who are starved for parental
approval and affection.
Catholic Church’s leaders have positioned themselves as parent
authorities who, while working for God, are allegedly immune to
scrutiny or prosecution. They have successfully used the same tactic
as rapists and similar abusers when confronted with charges of abuse
– blame the victim and re-victimize them all over again.
Catholic Church Authorities are the real heathens. They are the
abusers of God’s just words. They are the liars and psychological
enslavers of today. They are as good at running their religion as
other enslavers’ of whole populations – Adolph Hitler and the
Nazis, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin and most recently, Saddam Hussein.
Comparisons can be made to a number of Western Leaders as well, but
we will save that for another day. For now, the Catholic Church’s
leaders are well in tune with the petty despots that we’ve seen
come and go down through the ages.
despots and religious abusers are all cut from the same cloth. They
are elitist. They see themselves as privileged. And they truly
believe they have the right to “Lord it” over the rest of us. We,
the general population, continue to be their slaves as long as we
endorse their program, or, more accurately, fail to stand up for
ourselves and put these abuses and condemnations back onto them,
where they belong.
is the end of the road for the Catholic Church and all religions that
practice psychological enslavement of their adherents. Those of us
who have been abused are now saying:
I will no longer suffer at your hands! I am done with you forever!
And I will heal myself of all your toxic effects.
that be the beginning of your Religious
Abuse Recovery process.
Let that phrase now become your Mantra. Say it to yourself everyday
and prepare to heal from the lifetime of abuses you have suffered at
their hands. The problem was never you. They problem has always been
in the hands of your abusers. They are the ones who are sick and
misguided. They are the ones who have perverted and corrupted
Christ’s message to us. They are the ones who pretend to be God’s
emissaries when they are in fact perverts of the truth.
the next instalment we will lay out a profile of religious abuse
victims. You will see yourself there and know you have been
accurately described. With that template in hand you will begin your
own recovery process using the guidance and methods provided here.
you can recover from Religious Abuse, Religious Sexual Abuse,
Religious Mental Abuse and Religious Emotional Abuse using the very
same psychological tools they used to condemn you. Properly applied,
these tools will lead you out of the spiritual wilderness they cast
you into, and help you find your way Home to your True Heart, your
True Self, and then make good your Personal Connection with the
Living God within. Then you will know the true freedom of being
“Connected to Source”, which simply means you will never need
another religion again for the rest of your natural life.
that for a promise? You, connected with You, and with the Great
Creator! No more middle man. No more lies - just your own permanent
connection to the Almighty.
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