Message from The Divine
All is not lost, my fellow humans,
for I am of the Divine and I wish to inform you that there is a great
plan afoot and much to rejoice about. Do not fear for God is near,
nearer than you may realize. Let there be no more doubt about this.
For I have spoken to you down through the ages, through your great
ones who translated my thoughts into words and placed them in books.
Your Bible is one such thought as were many of your ancestors’
classical writings, back when I was moved to inspire the great ones
of your race.
Do not despair, my fragile ones, for I have come to
you here to deliver wonderful news. You are indeed Whole. You are
indeed Free. You are indeed Holy. Take these thoughts into your
heart and know that this is true. For I have spoken, and I speak
only the truth.
was a time, not so long ago, when you could not hear my words at all;
when you thought that all there was to life was survival. You ran
with the beasts then, unconscious, unaware of My Presence in your
circumstances. You were frightened, lost and scared. Many of you
feel that way today – frightened, lost and scared once again. Your
systems of government fail you, your scientists let you down. No one
seems to have answers of any substance.
Wars are engaged in for no
apparent reason, to fend off some “potential” threat. You delve
into alcohol and drugs for relief. You belittle yourselves. You
live in a state of quiet despair, all the while forsaking that which
could truly set you free – your Self, your Innermost Being – that
part of you that connects you to all of life and, to Me, from where
you derive your primary sustenance.
have not betrayed you. I have not deserted you. You have lost and
abandoned your Selves. This has been your error, my dear ones, for
I, the God of Love, would never abandon His seed. I reside in each
and every one of you. Some of you can hear Me, most cannot. Some of
you can feel Me, most do not. It is you who have misplaced Me and
not the other way around. I am the truest and most consistent
experience in your life.
Throughout your history I have been there,
breathing into each and every one of you, guiding you and proclaiming
your true nature. Sometimes one of you heard Me and told the others,
only to have this forgotten again soon after. Throughout history I
have had to remind you of your true nature and My Presence in it.
Here I am once again, making that very same point and hoping that
this time you’ll remember.
you like to hear the story of the Fall? I will share it with you
once again. In the beginning there was a void, a vast unknowing, a
lack of form. The God of Love, Who I am, wanted to create an
experience of “knowing,” an experience of “appreciation,”
where you, my creations, could realize yourselves and see yourselves
The inspiration came to create a being in My likeness who
would reflect my greatest qualities, give those form and make them
accessible. And there you were born my special ones, by Divine
decree. By My word you were brought to life. You were spirit then
and only spirit. You had no form as you know it today, only essence.
But that essence was magnificent, enough to make Me very proud. You
became fruitful and multiplied because that is a characteristic with
which you were endowed. You created each other then, replenishing
and furthering the Divine spark through one another.
initial process continued for some time until one day some of you
decided that you wanted more power, to create and replenish
yourselves. And so it was granted. The power to create and
duplicate yourselves was passed over to you exclusively, to use
wisely I hoped, but to use freely nevertheless.
My greatest gift to you was your
freedom. I set you free to create as you would. And you did so
honor Me. Then came a time when some of you came forth and demanded
more power, the power to control others, the power to manipulate and
to deceive. There was no thought on my part to extend this to you,
but you took it anyway. Your freedom, already granted, justly
permitted it.
I was distraught of course, but
could only observe since you were free to act as you would. I
watched you perpetrate various horrors on each other, all in the name
of experimentation. I watched you judge and punish each other in the
name of the Good and the Holy. You continued in this manner for a
time, unaware of how you were hurting each other and, therefore, your
Selves. Then I decided to make “form” from “essence” to move
the experiment out of the void and extend it into the visible, where
spiritual essence could be manifest. In your world, that form is
This humanness is just a
distraction, a plaything if you wish, for you to see and experience
your lessons with each other. At some point this essence, which had
become form, forgot itself and its origins. All the while the plan
carried on as you exercised on each other your various experiments
and lessons.
And these are still going on today.
Your callousness, your manipulations and various atrocities continue
to be perpetrated on each other in the name of learning. But in your
hands this process has always been about power, for those of you who
want more and those who want less. Your appetite for power has
fueled your greed and the desire to be greater than that which
created you. This is at the root of your failure to evolve beyond
your Earthly circumstances.
That, my dear ones, is the Story of
the Fall. You were great, you were beautiful and you were grand in
all manner. But in your hurry to conquer, or avoid being conquered,
you lost your Selves. No matter what you believed you had won, in
seeking power over each other, you had in fact lost. There is never
anything to be gained by conquering another because you are all the
“same.” You are all equal, equal to Me in fact and we are all
What purpose has all this
experimentation served? To teach you about limits and boundaries,
about healthy interaction, about truth and love, about sharing and
justice – all your great human precepts, which so many of you
violate and treat with disdain. So where does that leave you now?
On the brink of destruction? Perhaps. On the brink of discovery?
Perhaps also.
I am here reminding you Who you are,
Who you Really are. And you are all much more than you realize.
Your experiment with power has failed. There is no greater power
than the Self and Its Divine inheritance. There is no greater truth
than that which I offer. There is no greater reward than what leads
you back to your Core, your Self, your own True Nature, and your
Divine right To Be. I plead with you, my dear ones, to awaken to
this truth. You are Divine and you are Eternal. You are of the
Everlasting Light. Do not deceive yourselves by believing otherwise.
There is no other truth. There is no other reality.
I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am
the Path. Find your Selves now. That is your destiny and that is
your freedom. Choose peace and love and they will take you back to
your Core. You must become aware that you are no better than anyone
else and no worse. You are what you are, which I, and only I,
created in the beginning. No one comes to Heaven but through Me. Go
forth and seed yourselves with Love and Truth again. Make yourselves
Whole and you will see the Kingdom of Heaven grow before you. Trust
this and nothing else.
Go Forth in Peace and Love
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