Doesn’t Have A Prayer - 12
Emperor Has No Clothes
my most recent missive on this subject of bringing down the Catholic
Church I broke through my “vortex of shame” to share with you how
I really feel about this criminal organization. I let it all out, so
to speak and what a message it turned out to be. You see, I never
know where my deepest feelings will take me until I start putting
them on the page. That’s how these posts begin. I never know
where they are going once we hit second and then third gear. I’m
just amazed at all that surfaces and needs to be said. Since I am
committed to my personal cleansing at this time, “let er rip” is
what I say.
realize of course that this is me coming to terms with those old
issues of abuse at the hands of those Catholic monks, nuns and
priests throughout my formative years. That’s why I became a
therapist I’m proud to say, to get that garbage out of my system.
With these New Millenium energies pouring in on us, the pressure for inner
cleansing has mounted. It is no longer possible to ignore these
wounds in our soul, these places where we still suffer from the
judgments the church impressed upon us.
could have treated that first missive as a personal message from
Guidance and left it for my private journal; but my heart said “No!”
This material has to be said Out Loud and as many times as necessary
to bring home the point. I’ve come to realize that the Catholic
Church is a vile and destructive entity, interested only in serving
its own ends. It is part of the Global Elite Community, who
collectively have controlled world affairs, banking in particular,
and have brought the world to its current state of impending
collapse. In other words, this isn’t just about me. It’s about
all of us who have suffered at the hands of this archaic,
paternalistic, fascist organization as it applied its torturous
psychological techniques to enslave us to their ways. We became
fragile and weak, and totally dependent on this conspiratorial
enslavement machine. “Destroy them psychologically, and you Own
them” has been their motto.
all the things that have to change in the face of Mankind's Ascension, religion and its shame-based assault machine has to be stopped. And
we can do it. We can say No to their tyranny! No to their guilt
trips! And No, to their using us as psychological slaves to fill the
holes in their empty souls. Yes we can!
like today’s Syrians, Egyptians, Libyans and Tunisians, we
ex-Catholics have to stand up and say: “ENOUGH! We’ve had enough
of your Psychological Barbarism! We’ve had enough of your Child
Abuse! We’ve had enough of your Murderous Practices in your
sweatshops and institutional schools! And we’ve had enough of your pretense that only You cans Save Us. We have had ENOUGH!”
know I’ve had enough. I’m sure most of you reading this have had
enough as well. Coming to this site, on purpose, or by accident, must
have surely caught you by surprise, because I am sure surprised at
what is pouring out of my soul here.
am calling for the outright dismantling of the Catholic Church with a
re-distribution of its ill-gotten wealth back to the people they
stole it from, back to all the nations of the world where their
fascist policies guaranteed that poverty would never end so they
could continue to offer themselves up as God’s heavenly emissaries,
which clearly they are Not!
God in my heart has answered. He/She wants this done, the dismantling of
this lecherous culprit and its removal from the face of the Earth.
This self-appointed guardian of all things sacred has been decimating
God’s good character and name by profiting off the backs of the
world’s most vulnerable citizens. How can we, people of good
conscience, allow this criminal immoral entity to continue with its
lecherous ways? How can we stand by and watch millions more of our
human brothers and sisters die at the hands of this Fascist
Oligarchy? It cannot be allowed to go any further. We must stand up
now and shout it out: “NO!” And “NO” means “NO! Period.
more lies or policies of deceit! No more physical, sexual and
emotional abuse! No more passes on any issue, especially those
involving the sexual and physical abuse of minors! No more extortion
of our hard-earned money under the pretence of charity and Christian
kindness! No more believing their litany of lies, half-truths and
double-speak on the issue of who God is and who We are in relation to
God! No more support to this godless entity whose only purpose is to
raise its status and garner wealth for a leadership suffering the
grand delusion of entitlement. No more excuses for the Catholic
Church’s many Crimes against Humanity, across the world and across
the centuries. Their Tyrannical Reign ends Now!
kind of sick organization offers itself up as God’s Way Station,
yet practices every form of criminal activity known to man, including
Murder and Genocide? Such an entity must be stopped. It has become
a runaway train, careening down a mountainside, smashing and running
over everything and everyone in its path. The Roman Catholic Church
is Out Of Control, criminal in orientation, and guilty of every sin
it purports to remedy through their add-on service of confession.
“Come and tell daddy what you did wrong and we’ll find a penance
for you to make it right.”
this Fascist Oligarchic Entity begin its own confession of centuries
of sin, crimes against humanity and murder, yes murder! Let this
‘holier than thou’ entity apologize to the many cultures and
first nations peoples whose sacred ways of life it set out to demean
and then destroy. Let this now Dying Entity take responsibility for
its Crimes against Humanity and make financial restitution to all
whom it has harmed. Let these acts of contrition and regret be its
final accounting to the New Global Community that has now begun to
emerge. And let this be the Death Knell of an institution whose only
hope for survival was to tell the truth, a requirement it has never
been able to meet.
is the beginning of a New Age for all of humanity. We, who have undergone various forms of recovery, are its foot soldiers and
creators. We are of God and we know it. There is no need for a
pseudo self-appointed gatekeeper anymore. And there is no room for
any such criminal entity in the New World that is being born through
Catholic Church must fall by the wayside, like so many of our current
organizations and institutions that have been shown to be aberrant in
their behavior and devoid of truth in any of their pronouncements.
Let us place the Roman Catholic Church alongside its fellow criminal
conspirators, those banks and financial institutions, run by
Illuminati Families that have robbed our governments of their true
mission, stolen our democracies and turned this planet into Casino
Earth, which till now, they owned and operated.
Withdrawal of Support
must do this individually. Just as we can initiate a “run on the
banks” by withdrawing our funds and need for their services, so too
can we launch a run on this religion by simply withdrawing our
participation and support. But that is only a first step. Many of
us made that move years ago when we stopped attending church and
ceased letting that institution’s rules of conduct determine our
life path and personal value.
did withdraw a lot at that time. Certainly our active participation
went flying out the window. But that is not the end of the deed. We
are now faced with a dying monster that still wants to consume many
of our brethren and we have to step in again to offer assistance.
But most importantly, and this is crucial, we must release our need
to have a “pseudo parent” in the wings just in case we want to
run back. That is our chore here - to let go of our co-dependent
relationship with this abusive and coercive partner. This is where
the rubber meets the road. And I can tell you from personal
experience, it hurts down there when you begin dismantling this part
of their program.
We Need to Grieve
been dismantling this church in my own mind for years now, and they
have been retaliating through previously installed mechanisms that
automatically elicit guilt and shame as soon as they are challenged.
Since my psychological training has made me aware of this, I forge
on, knowing I will get through this uncomfortable part and release
their grip on me until the job is done. I do find fear arising as I
take them on, making the process quite uncomfortable. That slows me
down somewhat, but not for long. As soon as I see another news
article on priest pedophiles or the Catholic Church’s stance on
birth control, I find my resolve becoming fierce and away I go, right
back up to full recovery speed.
you and I are capable of handling this process, and retaliating if we
wish. I am just illustrating how difficult our psychological
emancipation can be. It’s hard breaking free of this toxic
influence, but just like with a boil, we must work through the pain,
and the grief, to extract the core of that puss filled foreign
entity. At the Heart level we know this is poison, and the reason you
are reading this is because your heart wants to be free of this Alien
Influence. And by Alien, I mean, not belonging to you. Capiche?
has become my mission of late to expose this rotten organization and
to say, for myself at least, Enough is Enough. Each time I take a
stand in opposition to this iconic figure, I have to work through the
repercussions of what I’ve said. The scared part of me reacts
whenever that guilt button is pushed, and “that part of me” has
to be listened to and reassured over and over again. The scared part
of me acts up because he knows we are killing the toxic parent figure
of the church that still lives inside. Since my parents were
completely brainwashed by this insidious force, the church defaulted
into an all powerful parental figure which gave it even more power to
control me and my generation. But I press on. This work must be
done. The poison has to be removed once and for all.
I am after ultimately, is a personal and intimate relationship with
God, my God Self, my Divinity as granted to me by All-That-Is. If
there is an ultimate power figure in our lives, it has to be our
Divine Source. That means the Catholic Church with all its hoopla
about who’s right and who’s wrong has to be dismantled. They,
and all their toxic influences, have to be exorcised from my body
is why I am calling for the complete ouster of the Roman Catholic
Church from my life, and from the lives of all who have been damaged
by their Criminal Psychological Methods. News reports everyday are
telling us that they are guilty of Crimes against Humanity. Millions
of Google references on key search terms such as Catholic Religious
Abuse tell us that a growing majority of Catholics, and former
Catholics, are looking to free themselves at this time. Their worst
crime of course, was to mentally, emotionally and physically brow
beat us into believing we were “defective”, “unworthy” and
“broken” and only they had the remedies to set us back on track.
We are now aware that they set up the poisonous pedagogy in the first
Catholic Church is simply a continuation of the ruling Oligarchies
that existed in the time of Christ. They jumped on the bandwagon and
hijacked what was to be a True Road to Freedom and a Recovery of our
Lost Spiritual capabilities. Instead they set out to enslave as many
as they could, using the more sophisticated methods of psychological
tyranny to pound us into submission while installing themselves as
humanity’s gatekeepers to redemption. This has kept us in a state
of Perpetual Remorse, sad and broken, looking to them for redemption
and relief from crushed self-esteem and the perpetual reminders of
being “unworthy.”
is the Catholic Religion at work. Grotesque in all its actions,
abusive in its dispensation of so-called religious guidance, and
laughing all the way to the bank, in a full-fledged alliance with all
the banksters of the world. They are criminals who destroyed the
beautiful nascent spirituality of ancient Ireland. They are liars who
lord their false piety over the rest of us. They are the pedophiles
who abuse and rape our children. They are murderers who have buried
the bodies of their victims in unmarked graves all over this planet,
bodies that are being uncovered to this day.
Catholic Church is the paternalistic Oligarchy who tells women what
to do with their bodies, who made birth control a sin; when the truth
is, they are just ensuring that their numbers remain high. Why are
there families of 10 to 20 children in Quebec? My father’s oldest
brother had 18 children. My grandfather was the youngest of 20. My
mother went through 8 pregnancies and brought 6 of us to into the
world. The priests in Quebec would visit their parishioners and ask
the women when the next baby was due. “What, no baby this year, Mrs
.....?” In my view, the Catholic Church is far and wide, the most
insidious and toxic organization on this planet. They are Spiritual
Fascists whose methods and practices have nothing to do with bringing
you or I to God, and everything to do with covering up their criminal
tracks and keeping their floating crap game going.
Full Emancipation
those of you who thought you were done with them, I have sad news.
It’s not over just yet, but this resolution brings us to the final phase.
This action of repatriating our Spiritual Relationship with God will
happen with our commitment to make it so. But we do have to grieve.
We do have to break the back of that toxic parent. And we do have to
nurture that scared little part of us who still believes they are all
powerful. It’s no small thing to stand up to your abuser. Ask any
woman who has left an abusive partner! But it’s the most gratifying
and freeing endeavor you will ever undertake. By our own hand do we
set ourselves free! By our own will do we dismantle their perverse
hold on our psychology! By our own commitment to True Love do we
activate our deepest Self?
the time we thought we were done with it, the church kept on needling
away at us on the inside, reminding us of our unworthiness, well
taught in those early childhood classes, pushing the guilt and shame
buttons which they co carefully installed, and keeping us as
children, in their minds’ eye at least, a feat we bought into at
some level and have yet to fully relinquish.
we are to meet God Head On, No Holds Barred, then we must let go of
this negative parental influence. We must break the bonds of our
co-dependence with this Abusive Partner. We must consciously choose
to let go; and we must suffer the hurt of letting go. The fear of
feeling abandoned again is all too intimidating. But that is our Leap
to Faith and that is our Salvation. Yes we can achieve a Direct
Connection with Source, one that is Free of Charge, and certainly
free of the guilt-laden tyranny of a fascist religion. It will be
like pulling the bandage off a stitched up wound; it’s going to
smart a bit. But fresh truthful air will finally get at it and we
will be okay after that.
the human nation of today, are growing up and getting ready to take
our place alongside our more technologically and spiritually advanced
Galactic Brothers and Sisters. They are waiting for us to tear that
bandage off. They are waiting for us to step forward and Claim our
Power. They will cheer for us as we overthrow all of these fascist
entities, from the banks, to major religions.
Because they know we
will find ourselves at the end of the process. We will find out how
great and powerful we really are; a fact the Roman Catholic Church
and its minions had a hand in suppressing for nearly 2,000 years.
When a majority of us fully realize how we have been cheated out of
our Spiritual Destiny we are going to be pissed. Some of us already
are. I know I am! But we shall move through that as well.
Freedom comes from a quiet revolution, one that does not seek
revenge, but pure, unadulterated Freedom. We will know our work is
done when we feel “Indifferent” to the Catholic Church. That’s
when you know you are done with an abuser. Not hate! Not anger! And
Not the Desire for Revenge! But Indifference! That’s where freedom
lies where such a vile entity is concerned.
begin our march toward freedom with a dismantling of the Roman
Catholic Church in our own minds. Let’s tell it like it is, for our
own sakes, and for those generations to come. Let’s say NO to
Religious Tyranny and No all the Fascist Oligarchies of the World.
Let’s have our own Arab Spring where religion is concerned. Let’s
simply say:
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