Mythology & Parables
Maurice Turmel PhD
and mythical stories have been with us throughout time. From the
earliest of cave drawings to modern writing and film parables, as
guides to human experience, have been a source of inspiration
throughout human history. This has been the case down through the
ages and across cultures as well. Parables have been the teachers
that lead us through the various challenges confronting us at
different stages in our lives. These stories help us move forward on
our individual journeys by providing us with images and symbols that
crystallize human experience into digestible pieces. They are
lessons, replete with the wisdom of the ages; a wisdom that is handed
down through the generations to the ever shifting present.
are symbol seeking creatures; and parables, as providers of such,
bring to light those images that illustrate each lesson we are about
to embark on.
inform, they guide and they teach.
in our collective human journey, we have had major awakenings. Our
history books inform us of this; all of our major disciplines are
affected. A breakthrough in science often leads to a breakthrough in
human awareness. For example, “the sun does not revolve around the
earth, but rather the earth revolves around the sun” struck down a
core belief that could not be sustained by the facts.
Earth-centeredness equaled self-centeredness during this period of
our history and both were dealt a fatal blow. As a result, we humans
became part of something larger than ourselves, a part of the
Universe if you will, rather than being its center. When we take a
long view of our recorded history, we see that such awakenings have
occurred regularly and continue to this day.
the information explosion of modern times we are likely on the
threshold of another major awakening. The world becomes smaller as
each of us has easier access to our collective information sources
via the Internet; and we will continue to benefit from that expanding
knowledge base. One could argue that our collective consciousness is
uniting as we abandon isolationism and move toward the growing
awareness that we are indeed One.
each period of history a symbol would emerge in the consciousness of
man that described this process of evolution at the personal level.
The symbol for today is the arising of the Self, well described by
Carl Jung and the human potential movement that loudly made itself
known in the late 60’s. From Self-actualization to
Self-empowerment, the symbol of the Self announces our growing
understanding that at the center of us lays a core, and this core is
our Self out of which emerges creative expression of our true nature.
Self is not our Ego which has been our symbol of outward expression
until this time. The ego has been an integral part of our human
but is
no longer its mainstay. As Carl Jung and many Eastern philosophers
point out, the ego is a stepping stone to this new threshold, the
arising of the Self. This self is our core which, as we shall see,
connects us to the Divine. Remember, the ego wants to be a God unto
itself, totally self-sufficient and isolated, lying at the root of
all our addictions which take us away from our true Self.
Self contains and expresses that which we are in our feelings and
emotions. This feeling nature has been called Heart and refers to
our strongest desires and passions. “Follow your bliss” Joseph
Campbell would instruct. “What do you feel in your heart?”
others would suggest in answer to such questions as “who am I?”
and “what is my purpose here on this earth?”
The “recovery
movement” has linked this Self with “the lost inner child.”
Again, another description which places the Self as our feeling
nature. I believe that this Self is the “true” center of our
human personality and when “free” and “actualized” connects
us to our Soul, its spiritual counterpart.
Soul is our connection to the Spiritual and the very source of our
being. Our Soul takes on human form for its Earthly experience and
gives rise to the Self which is the spiritual in human form. Self
and Soul are the flip sides of the same coin. On the one side we see
our spiritual nature; on the other we see our essential human nature.
Expressing the Divine through our human form brings God down to
Earth and renders this physical experience “Holy.”
Our parables, myths
and stories recount this journey in a myriad of ways, all designed to
get us back in touch with our truest nature. At that core we are all
vitally alive, unencumbered and free. We express that which is ours,
creatively, forcefully and passionately. We glorify God with our
works. We express our part of the puzzle as an individualized piece
in an infinite matrix of Divine interrelationships, at the centre of
which stands the Director, the leader of the Band. He needs for all
of us to play in tune together so that we sing His praises and ours
as well. Because we are of Him, we express Him in all our glorious
enterprises. When fully in tune we are happiest. Back to “follow
your bliss.” That “bliss” is “us” expressing His Light
creatively as we were designed to do. Yes, we have free will. We
can refuse. But why deny ourselves this joy and ultimate
book is about being inspired, about Divine guidance and about being
eternal in that cosmic, spiritual sense. Our Soul is our Divine
core; our Self is our human core. Parables, myths and stories help
us bring them to the fore, as the center of our being. This book is
about the Self and its relationship to the Soul, about how expressing
that Self leads us to Soul and our Divine inheritance.
Self is brought forward and nurtured on the human plane of
experience. Expressing this Self strengthens us in our human drama
and leads us back to Soul. Self and Soul work dynamically together
while maintaining the bond between the human and the Divine. We see
that we are Spiritual beings first and foremost. Our humanness is an
expression of the Divine that seeks to enlarge itself through this
particular experience. That’s why we are here – to grow.
collection of parables in story and poetic form stands in the same
tradition as the illustrative tales our ancestors relied upon. They
provide a reference point for certain types of experience, always
pointing toward goodness and the healthy expression of Self. We do
our part when we undertake this challenge. We bring to Life that
which we are imbued with. And while creatively expressing those
talents and abilities we share them with each other. In so doing we
perpetuate the growth pattern that has already been established,
taking it to a new level with each positive step we make.
this collection of stories and poems to act as a mirror to your
experience. Some will have more meaning for you than others. Some
may have little meaning initially, but more meaning at a second or
third reading. Approach them as an opportunity to learn more about
your Self and why you are here. Look at each character and situation
as a possible reflection of something going on in your life. In
addition, these diverse characters may reflect on different parts of
your personality, giving you another avenue through which to explore
who you are. Let them speak to you and challenge you. Trust that
you will derive what it is you need. As mirrors to your life they
can only reflect back to you what you are ready to see.
parables celebrate Life. They celebrate personal achievement and
growth. They point toward the healing our Self may require, to any
blockages or defenses we may need to address and, ultimately, to
rejoining the Soul in total human consciousness. Remember,
expressing that Soul awareness in human form is what the healthy Self
strives to do. What’s good for the Self is also good for the Soul.
book then is about Souls and their journey through human life. A
Soul’s growth experiences can be wide and varied and are evidenced
in the Self’s human expression of an individual’s talents and
abilities. Love of course is at the center of all these experiences.
Love of Self. Love of Soul. Love of each other as expressions of
the Divine common denominator. Love is the glue that binds Souls
together and yet maintains their individuality. So Love is also what
we’re here to learn about and to share with one another. Love
comes straight from the Divine to individual Souls and to the human
Self. Love shared is love expressed. Love expressed is growth on
the human vine. Growth is why love exists and expands, into forever.
stories are gifts which I need to share as my part of the Soul/Self
alliance. They come to me from the ethers, Divine providence if you
prefer. I have used these stories in my work as a therapist and
workshop facilitator. They usually come as short stories or poetry.
Lately they’ve been arriving as song lyrics which I have set to
music and proceeded to record so they can be shared in that fashion
as well. In whatever form they all serve the same purpose. To awaken,
stimulate and intrigue. Whatever moves us, touches us, inspires us,
or challenges us has at its core an unswerving capacity to ignite.
Isn’t that what passion is, a fire in the belly driving that urge
to create or express. “Turned on” we might say today. Whatever
its characterization, it’s there at our core. The Self, the Soul,
the Passion, the Love, all waiting their turn to be expressed for His
greater glory and our own cosmic evolution.
us remove those obstacles now and get to the heart of our individual
story. Let us find out who and what we really are. Let us climb out
from under the rocks of addiction and fear and let us feel that love
again, the way our ancestors did when they came to terms with their
inner being as exemplified in the stories of their day. Let us teach
each other the truth, that we are all here together in one
significantly sour soup that we can make sweeter through our
individual contributions. We are interdependent and we need each
other. We also need the truth of our Selves in no uncertain terms.
Let these stories be a guide to your truth and help you unravel your
unique contribution to the Cosmic Soul.
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