The Oasis

The oasis thrives within us, friend. Filled with possibility, hungry hearts come here to rest, seek comfort and be inspired.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Your Spiritual Journey Podcast - "Occupy Your Heart"

Your Spiritual Journey Episode 2 - "Occupy Your Heart"
Maurice Turmel PhD

Physical journeys begin and end but not so with Spirituality. Spiritual journeys are ongoing and take us from one dimension to another in an ever ascending cycle.

We're not here to waste our time, to be victimized or sidelined by the circumstances that befall us.  We're here to get it together and find our way Home. Home is where the heart is and that's where we live once that connection is made.

This episode of Your Spiritual Journey is about connecting with that heart-space - your feeling center. It is where we feel that we live, not where we think. Thinking about our feelings comes after we've accepted them and identified what they mean to us. Without that step there's no getting around to where we actually live.

Then we're on the wheel of karma perpetually falling into one trap or another, traps that we created, to keep us feeling victimized and afraid. Its through self-responsibility that we break this cycle and find our way back to center.
Getting off that wheel requires us to connect with our heart. Every psychotherapist worth his/her salt knows this to be true. Guiding people back to where they "live" - that is where they "feel" - is what happens in the consulting room every day.

Only by owning and feeling those feelings then allowing ourselves to express them safely can we ever be free of that self-perpetuating karmic cycle.

So, Occupy Your Heart and you will find your way Home.

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